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I have been wearing glasses against nearsightedness/astigmatism since I am an adult.

I already needed them as teenagers, but my mother was against it, because I should not grow too dependent on them. Because she says if you wear glasses, the eye adjust to the glasses, so you see as bad with the glasses, as you did without glasses. Then you need stronger glasses, and every time you get stronger glasses, they make the eyes worse, until they make you almost blind. The opticians are destroying your eyes on purpose, so they can sell more glasses

I only got glasses as adult because it was mandatory to get a driving license. I actually got an anxiety attack in the driving exam and failed the exam, when I had to put my glasses on because I was still convince they make you blind.

I wonder if I have ADHD, too. I am completely unable to participate in classes, but my grades in exams were good enough that no teacher suggested testing. It is like I have zero attention on anything said in class, but then hyperfocus on reading/writing/programming stuff. Anyways my mother would not have allowed me to go to a psychiatrist, because she think that psychiatry is a scam. The psychiatrists are only trying to get you addicted to drugs and destroy your health on purpose, so they can sell more drugs.

Or it might be because I could not see anything in class. Then I had to stare at something and try to recognize something in the blur, and that was taking away all my attention. But reading things in close range worked fine without glasses. Perhaps degraded sensory input is actually a cause for ADHD. The brain diverts too much processing power on processing sensations, and there is not enough processing power left for the actual task, and it makes any sensation (distraction) appear much more important. I still cannot participate in classes even with glasses

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