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Questions to Ask Your Future Software Employer (semaphoreci.com)
1 point by LarisaIoana on Nov 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

  | 19. Is there company-provided equipment? Will I have root access to my 
  | machine? Can I bring my own devices?

  | It might just be me, but I find not having admin access on my work machine 
  | disturbing. It shows that the company does not trust its employees.
Two things here:

1. You may reconsider that when your computer is the one that downloads malware / ransomware or used as pivot point and other people have to deal with the fall out. This is usually a stop-gap measure as you would have to document/request why you need to install something and it can be recorded, approved, denied, etc. The software can then be added to the approved inventory so other developers can install it.

2. This is usually part of any insurance or compliance requirement as part of least-privilege access, software approval, and managing end-point devices.

In places that have endpoint device management admin access would be a fallacy since the configuration determines what you have installed. Your system logs and network traffic is being monitored overall and your device is just like all the other cattle being monitored. Again more so because of insurance riders or compliance requirements verses operators not trusting users.

Asking questions at the end of the interview is how you know if they are a good fit for you.

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