You did not provide arguments. You provided two statements: "You can build a form, but sadly web components are not popular" and "anything more complex than forms requires web component tech".
You can go to State of JS and see the top used frameworks You can then tell me how many of them "require web component tech" (hint: only lit uses web components as underlying tech, none of the others use those, and have no intention to)
> > I am saying anything more complex than forms requires web component tech that isn't popular or liked by developers.
You obviously know these are supporting arguments, because they seek to back up the statement that 'more complex apps are harder to build without frameworks'. This is high school level logic, so I will presume that rather than being unaware of what a supporting argument is, you're just being deliberately antagonistic.
> No, it doesn't (end of post)
You misread me (see next point) and rather than responding with content (which would have cleared this up earlier) simply disagreed without supporting arguments.
3. You misread me. I wrote:
> I am saying anything more complex than forms requires web component tech that isn't popular or liked by developers.
Judging by your comment about frameworks not using web components (which you'd know I'm aware of, given that I posted an article by the author of Svelte about why Svelte doesn't use web components), you think I’m discussing implementing a new framework. Nobody is discussing that. The OP is making a web app, not a new framework.
Implementing a web app without react or svelte would require using web components which is, as mentioned, a set of poor and unused APIs.
Given 1, 2 and 3, it's obvious that you're being clearly antagonistic to someone that has been polite to you thus far, I will change how I communicate - Dmitri, you're a cunt. Sorry Dan.
> Implementing a web app without react or svelte would require using web components
You keep stating this as a fact with literally zero supporting arguments.
No, web components are not required to build a web app. Web's largest and most successful web apps and web sites have been built before web components even became a thing and keep being built without using them.
> I will change how I communicate -
You are not communicating. You're presenting your personal opinions as facts.
> I am saying anything more complex than forms requires web component tech
> Implementing a web app without react or svelte would require using web components
Which is true, creating anything more complex than forms *without a framework, as the OP mentions* would require web component tech.
You wrote:
> No, web components are not required to build a web app
What I wrote is not the same thing as saying "web components are required to build a web app".
Occam's razor: I suspect you genuinely made a mistake, and may speak English as a second language, but also are very young or not well developed, so rather than admit the error you're trying to argue with me about something I never stated.
> Which is true, creating anything more complex than forms without a framework, as the OP mentions would require web component tech.
For the third time you present this opinion as undeniable fact, when it is not true in any way, shape, or form.
> What I wrote is not the same thing as saying "web components are required to build a web app".
You literally just said that.
> I suspect you genuinely made a mistake, and may speak English as a second language, but also are very young or not well developed,
Ah yes. First it was calling me a cunt. Now it's ad hominem attacks.
> so rather than admit the error you're trying to argue with me about something I never stated.
Literally, again and again, you insist that complex app require web components (the question of frameworks is entirely irrelevant). When I answer that no, they are not required, you are pretending you provide arguments, calling me a cunt, or calling me "not well developed".
Even if you build stuff without frameworks, web components are not required. To see proof that they are not required it's enough to look at literally tens of thousands of complex web sites built without them before they ever existed, or since. Yes, tens of thousands of complex sites that were built (and are being built) without web components or web frameworks.
Moreover, the only reason those web frameworks exist is that people reached a certain level of complexity, and packaged that complexity in a single generic solution, and still they don't require web components.
But sure, do go on stating your bullshit opinion as fact with zero supporting arguments while calling people cunts. This will show the world how well developed you are.
> > Which is true, creating anything more complex than forms without a framework, as the OP mentions would require web component tech.
> For the third time you present this opinion as undeniable fact, when it is not true in any way, shape, or form.
It's the majority opinion of the web dev world. We ll use components, moving from using React / Svelte / Vue etc to W3C web components is tough, and moving a world without components at all would be very, very difficult.
The existence of some great backbone.js or GWT web app written in 2005 doesn't prove that statement to be incorrect.
If you think it does, say why, but not to me, I'm tuning out. Bye.
Sadly web components APIs are bizarre and unused by most web developers: