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Twitter staff told to sign up for long hours at high intensity (arstechnica.com)
15 points by chillfox on Nov 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Is there any information on what the incentives are to stay and work so extra hard and long hours?

I wouldn't be surprised that many will take the severance payment and find a more suitable job. However, I do suspect that with the many other headcount reductions there may be some concern about being able to find a new job in this environment.

You get to SEC - save elons company

When will we know the bodycount? I swear, there is never a slow news-day with this jamoke.

What is this now, the 3rd or 4th move to trim Twitter's headcount without having to fire anyone? I no longer try to speculate on what EM's endgame is, but he's clearly trying to cut staff without the downside of actually firing any more than he has to.

Oh, no idea, but I am super interested in seeing if Twitter will come out of this a stronger business, fade like MySpace or go up in flames.

I am sad that this entertainment is being provided at the expense of other people. This entire thing obviously suck for the employees.

They'll be getting 3 month severance. Seems like a really good deal for employees that don't want to be there.

It's a lot less expensive and lower liability when an employee departs voluntarily.

(This may not be obvious to some, but anyone who's been around is aware of this one weird trick.)

So then don't comply, get fired. #StrengthInNumbers

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