I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, cameras all over the house hooked up to ML algorithms that help you audit and tweak your behavior towards some specified goal.
When I used to play video games ultra competitively, I would analyze recordings of my gameplay to try and get better, and it worked wonders.
I've honestly thought about recording my work sessions to do the same thing. RescueTime works _somewhat_ to track when I get distracted on something, but moreso I'm interested in identifying when I do something suboptimally and playing it back to identify why I went with that path and try to course-correct the next time around.
Recording the desktop 24/7 and making those videos searchable could be an incredible tool as well. Text on screen as well as audio from meetings. If you didn't document how you initially configured something, you could just go back and watch what you did.
Edit: Another comment has informed me of rewind.ai, which does this on Mac, interesting!
When I used to play video games ultra competitively, I would analyze recordings of my gameplay to try and get better, and it worked wonders.