Sam was found to be playing League of Legends while on a call w/ investors at Sequoia for a $1B financing round. Their response was to declare him a genius, as clearly only a genius would be playing video games while in a $B business meeting.
These are the monied investment class showing their true skillset, which is mostly limited to "being rich".
> Do you have a lot of money and/or familial connection to high places? Depends really on that answer.
Which is what matters most in that equation (see Bezos, Musk, Zuckerburg et al), I mentioned to some people in our circles that I honestly thought this guy was going to end up in rendition black-site when he announced he was going to start getting into political donations/lobbying.
The State doesn't take this kind of stuff lightly, and using his distorted perception of alturism made him a massive target, but when someone listed all his family connections and links to academia and government I realized that he was just another insider cosplaying at being a 'disruptor' like most of the valley does.
Honestly, he should be rotting in a cell working manual labour next to the woman's prison Elizabeth Holmes will be and sharing a cell with Sunny if there is any justice, but I fear they will get a light sentence and some years on house arrest and will end with early releases and probation given how things turn out for their tier of the legal system. One of the guys on his board from complianace ran a scam on online poker a decade before [0] and this was all kosher.
These are the monied investment class showing their true skillset, which is mostly limited to "being rich".