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Ask HN: Formal language as a front end to Stable Diffusion models?
2 points by textread on Nov 12, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Is it possible to create a custom programming language that can serve as a description of an image to the Stable Diffusion model?

Let's say you are describing this image:- https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/701/754/419/aenami-digital-art-mountains-lake-wallpaper-preview.jpg


Create grid of size 4x4

Layer 0: Two mountains with snow, spanning the top half

Layer 1: A beautiful lake spanning the bottom half

Layer 2: Flowering plants at the bottom margin

Styling: Waterpainting by Bob Ross


^How can we improve the above language?

Alternately, are you aware of any programming languages that output photos or ascii images?

> Alternately, are you aware of any programming languages that output photos or ascii images?

There used to be a language to process photographs, from Bell Labs. I can't remember the name; it's been 30 years.

Update: it was called "popi" and was documented in a book called The Digital Darkroom by Gerard Holzmann.

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