why lately I tend to lean toward using something like
Sequel and mapping my own domain entities
I'm definitely itching to use something leaner like Sequel in a project. Before coming to Rails I used some nice lean C# ORMs like PetaPoco and Dapper and I really enjoyed that approach.
I think the more I lean on "advanced" SQL features,
the more I just think I've probably outgrown Rails
personally because it doesn't easily enable the kind
of solutions that I need.
I definitely agree that the "treat the database as a dumb, interchangable storage solution" mentality that infects Rails and other development communities is misguided IMO. Leaning into more advanced database stuff quite frequently the way to go for non-trivial solutions.
In practice, I still find Rails pretty amenable to a data-first approach. Applications tend to be a mix of advanced database stuff and simple CRUD operations. Realistically, a lot of developers are good at one but not the other. So on a given team, a mix of developers is able to play to their strengths.
In practice, I still find Rails pretty amenable to a data-first approach. Applications tend to be a mix of advanced database stuff and simple CRUD operations. Realistically, a lot of developers are good at one but not the other. So on a given team, a mix of developers is able to play to their strengths.