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Hey GitHub: Voice Agent for GitHub Copilot (githubnext.com)
11 points by azhenley on Nov 9, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

It took me a while to find evidence this is affiliated with GitHub, and the Oauth prompt saying this is not affiliated with GitHub doesn't help.

GitHub Next here! Yes, we are legit. All of our things live outside of dotcom for a variety of reasons; mostly to contain the blast radius in case one of our experiments goes wrong! We also don't want our experiments to share a cookiespace with dotcom.

Our efforts are listed here too: https://github.com/features/preview

For people looking for proof this is legit, I felt comfortable signing up after I found that the GitHub CEO follows their Twitter account. https://mobile.twitter.com/GitHubNext/followers

Hi, I am the team member working on this. Happy to get your feedback.

Thank you for reporting this! We'll investigate this further.

Coming weeks we will see voice assistants in every IDE and photo editor! Coolness!

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