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Distributed ledgers are not a scam, and our true best hope for anti-corruption.

I would like every elected official to have all their income and spending listed on a public ledger.

True accountability of representatives to those they purport to represent will solve so many problems, both in terms of the types of people incentivized to become public servants, and also in terms of public understanding of spending and waste.

All this "crypto" is intellectual warm-up for what is to come, I'd highly suggest looking at rollups (what I would describe as ledgers within ledgers) which are delving into the true possibilities of next-to-zero cost of immutable transaction records.

>Distributed ledgers are not a scam, and our true best hope for anti-corruption.

They are not a scam, but they are almost completely useless

>I would like every elected official to have all their income and spending listed on a public ledger.

A public ledger is not necessarily a decentralised ledger. This could be accomplished by any bank account controlled by a US politician to send the payments made to a US goverment controlled webapp that's then publicly accessible (by FOI request, if necessary). No blockchain, no decentralised woo needed. What you have stated is a POLTICIAL problem, and those require POLITICAL solutions. No new or speculative technology, of any sort, is needed to accomplish the problem statement.

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