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Basecamp's Shape Up product framework: why we reshaped it
4 points by AnhTho_FR on Nov 8, 2022 | hide | past | favorite
When we joined YC (S21) we were lost about which product framework we should use.

We tried Basecamp's one (Shape Up). Made a lot of mistakes. We pivoted in March, put our initial product in the trash, and re-shipped a new product in 3 months, and now have users in production. We also convinced CTOs from series C companies with millions of users to choose us over incumbents.

The typical bad symptoms at the time were: - Too many things under a single feature - A feature from a competitor is discovered while our own feature is developed. The specification is changed to adjust the product positioning, while the engineers sit still - Engineers uncover unexpected challenges during the delivery and the spec needs to be rewritten - The initial goal is re-adapted and reduced

Since then, we’ve spent time perfecting our product delivery framework and went much faster this time.

We open sourced it here: https://www.getlago.com/blog/how-we-ship-fast-our-framework

With the templates for each step: roadmap, scoping, specification, tech dive-in, delivery cockpit.

Hope it's useful!

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