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Differences Between Mastodon and Twitter (boilingsteam.com)
3 points by ekianjo on Nov 8, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

One problem with solar phones is people tend to put them in direct sunlight.

Parked in the sun for an hour, car seats reach an average of 123 degrees in the summer, according to a study by ASU and UC San Diego.

The steering wheel averaged 127 degrees.

In one of the cars studied, the dashboard reached 192 degrees, according to state climatologist Nancy Selover.

Twitter = millions of people who think the rest of the world is interested in their inconsequential shite.

Mastodon = thousands of people who think the rest of the world is interested in their inconsequential shite.

Why does Mastodon require an email address nowadays?

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