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I'm just sick of reading articles like this because I've been there, and I've seen what "help" looks like, and I was worse off for most of it. "Help" is what happens when people hear you say that suicide is a choice, because they assume it's their duty to take that choice from you.

Hey Steve, If you ever want someone to talk to, you can email me at aanty@gmail.com. I can't promise "help" of the sort you mention, but I don't mind discussing philosophy, meaning, etc. You aren't alone in the world. I would be happy to meet talk with you anonymously.

I can't stress the importance of the above advice enough; just talking to someone can give you the insight you've subconsciously been looking for all the time.

If you have been living in a certain way all of your life, you have little to compare to. If you speak to someone about how you live, what problems you have, how you've tried to solve them, you'll be amazed at what you might discover from just speaking with people about it.

Open up, the worst thing that can is that the person doesn't want to listen. Then find someone else who might.

My 5p.

PS. I've been feeling depressed, anxious and stressed for the most part of my life, after many years of effort I managed to get myself to see a psychologist (CBT) and it's without doubt the best thing I have ever done. DS.

The Samaritans in the UK don't offer that kind of help. They listen. If you decide to go ahead with it they will listen to you die so you don't die alone.

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