OK so the actual title of the entry is "Are Aussie web startups vaccinated from recession?"
The simple answer is no, at least no more than anyone else is. The problem with this article is that the content means little to the title. His basic claim is that "good" startups with "good" business models that sell to businesses have a better chance of succeeding. As far as I can tell, that has nothing unique to a recession.
"... OK so the actual title of the entry is "Are Aussie web startups vaccinated from recession?" .."
Title changed because it was irrelevant.
"... His basic claim is that "good" startups with "good" business models that sell to businesses have a better chance of succeeding. As far as I can tell, that has nothing unique to a recession. ..."
It is a bit of a motherhood statement. "Good" is at best a relative description. Probably could be changed to the "best". What is unique to recessions is margins & necessities. If you are a running a good Startup and rely on margins alone and those margins drop or change quickly, be it users, advertising, sales. You can be killed a lot quicker than when there is no recession. In that respect recessions sort out what the essentials from discretionary that users want.
Make things that (recession conscious) users want?
"... I was not saying you should not have altered the title, but rather that it seemed he was stating something specific to Aussie startups ..."
I didn't see that. One thing I'm conscious of when posting local news to an international forum is the content & title relevant? I have probably missed something here. Did you spot something uniquely Aus?
The simple answer is no, at least no more than anyone else is. The problem with this article is that the content means little to the title. His basic claim is that "good" startups with "good" business models that sell to businesses have a better chance of succeeding. As far as I can tell, that has nothing unique to a recession.