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Any commercial OS, like Windows, Mac OS or Android, will be easier to use than any free operating system, for those users who never attempt to do any action that is not on the restricted list of actions for which the commercial OS was designed.

Nevertheless, there are many people like myself, who always discover, when using a computer, that they want to do an action not anticipated by the designers of the commercial OS, either due to lack of awareness about the needs of some people, or because they do not bother to support those that are only a small percentage of their users, or because they have an interest in preventing the owners of the computers to use their property in certain ways.

Whenever it happens that I want to do such an action, I discover that it is much more difficult to do it on Windows than on Linux or on any *BSD, and sometimes even impossible. That is the reason why I have abandoned the use of MS Windows or Mac OS, many years ago, except for various occasions when I am forced to use them temporarily for professional reasons.

Being a BSD user myself, i just said that Windows is easier (overall). I especially talk about Active Directory and Group Policies, on Windows a matter of Hour's on Linux/BSD (a comparable system)...Weeks?

But yes *nix is much more flexible..but that comes with a cost, sometimes a massive one.

BTW Android is a free operating system.

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