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I won't let you pay me for my open source (world.hey.com)
7 points by drpixie on Nov 6, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This has come up occasionally on HN, but is worthy of acknowledgment and genuine discussion. Fabulous to see someone talking about our world with optimism and hope, instead of falling back onto the primitive marketplace ideology that has seeped into our subconscious.

"The magic of software is that there is virtually no marginal cost!"

"But isn’t it ironic that same reality of zero-marginal costs – the foundation of these incredibly profitable commercial software empires – is the same one that allows us to reject the market-based framing of collaboration altogether!"

"Again, I’m not saying this is a universal truth, but I am saying that it’s a possible truth. An experienced and enduring truth for the work and the community that has been happening around Rails."

Wonder how open source will thrive in the post zero interest rate world.

I.e. when commercial companies can no longer sustain open source projects.

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