TXR Lisp values terseness, though not above everything else or to ridiculous degrees where we write catenative code using single international characters denoting functions.
TXR is a native program, with its own run-time, and has very low dependencies. There is a capable, expressive FFI.
Here is an example: ger2err: a complete, stand-alone program with command line parsing, which connects to Gerrit servers to extract changeset comments, turning them into compiler error format you can use in your IDE.
TXR is a native program, with its own run-time, and has very low dependencies. There is a capable, expressive FFI.
Here is an example: ger2err: a complete, stand-alone program with command line parsing, which connects to Gerrit servers to extract changeset comments, turning them into compiler error format you can use in your IDE.
This is a good sample of what ordinary TXR Lisp looks like where effort hasn't been put into "golfing" the code.
Here is code for Advent of Code 2021, Day 8 (https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/8):