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Ask HN: What are we all missing?
1 point by hyperswine on Nov 5, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
There's AI, quantum computing, lab grown meat, genetic engineering, security and data, better iterations of current technology, and so on. These get talked about often.

What things arent being talked about that much, that you think may have a significant impact in the next 20 years?

Fascism and narcissism seem like things that aren't getting talked about enough (because if they were, we'd be seeing less of it, not more).

Amen. I was married to a narcissist for an unfortunate season of my life.

While going through counseling in the aftermath of that experience, I started recognizing scary correlations between how she treated her surroundings and how tech companies treated their surroundings.

If you look at the set of guidelines that we use to determine narcissistic behavior, and then replace it with "Uber|Google|Facebook|Stripe|Tesla|Apple|Amazon|Sendgrid|Shopify|Twitter|Intuit|Etc", it's disconcerting how much overlap there is.

That's why I bought www.narcissitech.me, so one day I can log how blatant and dominant these companies are.

Narcissists are difficult because they're dominant and deflect responsibility and don't care how that affects you. Tech companies are dominant and blame some other service or system or government or rogue employee and don't care when their buggy system or faulty algorithm costs you hours or days or weeks or years of your time or life or data.

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