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That they disagree with you, or have a different perspective than you, does not make anyone a troll.

They have the same perspective as me: that Lisp is dead. I just wished they didn't go around these threads putting salt on the wound.

I mean, if that's your angle, then I can sort of see your point. But at the same time: if I decided one day to properly learn lisp (so far my interest in it has been as a curious outsider), I would do so not because it's an active language, but because I'm interested in what I can learn from it. Yet I would obviously go and seek out whatever tools are written in lisp, both so I can feel that I'm really using the tooling, and so that I can look into how various real-world projects have been designed using lisp. None of that would make me a troll or a bad-faith actor in these kinds of threads. It simply means I would be asking questions about a topic on which lisp arguably does not excel, but for genuine reasons. Certainly not to rub salt anywhere. And I like to assume the same about other people who ask such questions.

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