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"Your role at Twitter" - Official comms out for Twitter layoffs (washingtonpost.com)
8 points by n_parks on Nov 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I'm the guy that was in charge of making sure archive data isn't corrupted, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy in charge of the backup diesel generators, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy in charge of keeping kay dee prawn off twitter, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy in charge of keeping the COBRA payments current, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy in charge of overdue accounts receivable, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy in charge of keeping legionaires disease out of the HVAC, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy preventing HIPPA violations, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy doing anti-stalking enforcement, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy swapping out failed drives in a data center, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy doing test cases for the new version of android, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy in charge of giving EM accurate business intelligence, but I got laid off.

I'm the guy in charge of blowing smoke up EMs ass, got promoted.


I can see that firing half the personnel, would stop cold any new projects. But continuing a stable website, that has been online for many years, should be doable with 3250 people (half of the 7500 people employed by Twitter).

I have no doubt, that Mr. Musk will start new development--and hire staff to do it--when things are stable again.

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