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> No mobile apps did (not surprised) but what did surprise me was 98% of the OpenSSL versions included in these apps were vulnerable to older CVEs.

Just the openssl version is not enough, since it could be patched to fix vulnerabilities without increasing the version (this is very common on Linux distributions, which often apply security patches instead of migrating to a new version; for instance, Fedora released a patched 3.0.5 instead of going to 3.0.7).

And using an older openssl version does not necessarily mean it's using vulnerable code; according to your blog post, the most common use is SQLCipher, which from a quick look at its README.md seems to use openssl only for the encryption algorithms. Unless the vulnerability was on the basic algorithms used (AES, HMAC, etc), it won't affect this usage.

Great points.

Static binary analysis looks for the version string but doesn’t currently do deeper analysis of reversed code to see if it’s patched. Could go either way.

And determining if the code is triggered and exploitable is quite challenging. Dynamic analysis can help here, provided you have the coverage.

More generally tho, istm that there will be instances when the version is unpatched and there is some exploitable vector (even if it’s just crashing the app). My hope is to raise awareness for developers (and security) about 1) transitive dependencies and 2) some really old OpenSSL versions in very popular mobile apps. I don’t believe most folks think about this and awareness can lead to shipping safer apps.

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