Hi, I'm Tim. I'm a freelance developer with 4.5 years professional experience and 16 years amateur experience writing in every language from SNOBOL to elisp, to Java, to Haskell. I specialize in parsing, data wrangling and graph algorithms. I also have a lot of Django under my belt.
Willing to relocate: No
Preferred engagement length: 0-6 months
Tech stack: Python, rust, golang, Haskell
Hi, I'm Tim. I'm a freelance developer with 4.5 years professional experience and 16 years amateur experience writing in every language from SNOBOL to elisp, to Java, to Haskell. I specialize in parsing, data wrangling and graph algorithms. I also have a lot of Django under my belt.
You can see how I code by watching my screencasts at https://veganbuddies.org/blog/, https://gradesta.com/blog/
Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-vladimir-hobbs-5a6a80229...
rate: $40 an hour for email support and research $65 an hour for development time.
email: goodnight@gradesta.com
book a meeting: https://timhobbs.youcanbookme.com/