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Charging Twitter users for blue ticks would be a disaster (newstatesman.com)
3 points by mzs on Nov 1, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Twitter is a disaster, elon buying it is a disaster, elon making any changes is a disaster. Everything twitter is a nightmare disater!

I have to be missing something about twitter.

So I just created an account. I've literally done no posting, no likes, no replies, no quotes, I'm just going around following people I'm interested in.

To be fair, I'm connecting to people who are on 'the wrong side'. Conservatives.

My account got locked once already, I had to pick a picture that didn't match a shadow or something. I got back in. Now I'm locked again.

The allegation as far as I can tell is following the 'wrong people' is unusual activity according to twitter and demands my account to be locked.

I guess Twitter still blocking users based on political opinion. @darthnetious shall remain dead I guess.

Twitter, Facebook, TikTok etc are the crack of the internet. Technology cannot undo millions of years of evolution in human behavior. Musk's purchase of Twitter is a good thing because it will hasten its demise. Lenders get pissed when you cannot pay them back whereas shareholders cannot do much.

Zuck is exhibiting similar tendencies at Meta by betting the farm on the "Metaverse" to prove he is a visionary. It doesn't take as much time as one might think to burn through all those billions.

Oh, calm down. It has nothing to do with "conservatives". The same thing happened to me several times, and I hadn't even followed anybody. Their bot-detection is cranked up to 11, so it's hyper-attuned to anything that seems suspicious. Confirm your email, have it send you a text or whatever it wants, and move on with your life.

Except for the part where it wants a phone number for no reason and outright never sends a code.

This has absolutely everything to do with "conservatives"

Flipside, I really don't care and wont be spending eons trying to get on.

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