> Also be sure that nobody carries cellphones into in-person meetings, otherwise location correlation will associate them.
Correct. Which is why it's good to start cultivating the habits now of "not always having your phone with you, powered on, or connected to the network." If you turn it off right before going somewhere, and that's the only place it's ever off, well, huh. That's interesting. If you're cultivating the forgetful 70 year old approach to cell phones of "I don't know where I left it and I think the battery is dead," so much the better.
Correct. Which is why it's good to start cultivating the habits now of "not always having your phone with you, powered on, or connected to the network." If you turn it off right before going somewhere, and that's the only place it's ever off, well, huh. That's interesting. If you're cultivating the forgetful 70 year old approach to cell phones of "I don't know where I left it and I think the battery is dead," so much the better.