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Curious why rouille (my personal server-side favourite) is marked as "outdated". Because it doesn't use async? That's the point!

It had a release fairly recently (less than 3 weeks ago) and works perfectly fine with a pretty stable API.

Edit: I opened a PR to fix it! https://github.com/flosse/rust-web-framework-comparison/pull...

I was confused for some minutes because the first hit when I googled "rouille rust" is "rouille (French for Rust) is here to save your day, as it allows you to write Rust programs in French, using French keywords, French function names, French idioms." with code like:

  statique mutable DICTIONNAIRE: PeutÊtre<Dico<Chaine, Chaine>> = Rien;
That's probably "Option" in English Rust?

Peut être: "Maybe"/"Perhaps"

Literally: "Could be"

yeah I understand that much French, but Rust (opposed to Haskell) doesn't have "Maybe", as far as I know, but "Option"

My source: https://notes.iveselov.info/programming/cheatsheet-rust-opti...

Because it's an undisciplined collection of many people's hard work, boiled down to overly simplistic attributes used to highlight some repositories and put others down.

That doesn't mean it's outdated. You might be right or wrong about your point, but that's what comparisons are for.

That's like saying "I refuse to compare Linux to windows because windows is bad"... Not helpful for anyone actually wanting the differences

I think they are referring to this comparison repo, rather than the framework

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