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Only In San Francisco: $61,000 Tents And $350k Public Toilets (2021) (hoover.org)
4 points by fzliu on Oct 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Ironic, from Hoover Institute:


Also, this isn't even very good trolling:

> one can purchase a perfectly fine, very large tent from REI for about $400. The annual budget for these tents is $16.1 million, which comes out to about $61,000 per tent per year. This includes meals, bathroom facilities, and security.

A $60,000 "tent" that includes food, sanitary toilets and security. They really needed to stretch for that clickbait headline.

It’s a conservative group promoting the conservative narrative.

Both sides do this. It’s all about creating the right story to win elections.

That’s how a country gets $32 trillion in debt, keeps Fed Funds to zero until inflation goes out of control.

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