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Roubini: We're Heading for a Stagflationary Crisis Unlike Anything We've Seen (time.com)
8 points by puttycat on Oct 25, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This guy was just in the news proclaiming that NYC will be nuked and underwater within 20 years. He's a lunatic in my opinion. Well deserving of the nickname "Dr. Doom". The media loves him because he was right about one thing once, and so he has a shred of credibility, and he's great at generating ridiculous headlines. But he's not really worth paying attention to.

Do you have a counter-argument?

The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. That would be Dr Doom in this case, not throwaway23597.

The question wasn't directed at you.

That's not how this place works. If you want a private conversation, use email.

If you just check the prices on gas, food, and other things they have been going up with inflation since after Biden took office. Things are not fine and property taxes and values are going up and so does rent. We are one step away from WWIII with Russia and Ukraine. The draft in the USA is going to come back as soon as war is declared.

People keep saying buy silver and gold, nothing printed. But you can't eat gold and silver when the food runs out and there is a shortage. Learn how to grow a victory garden and eat vegetables.

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