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yamrzou on Oct 23, 2022 | hide | past | favorite

If this is true, the incidence of brain tumors would dramatically increase with the proliferation of cell phones, but it's been pretty much flat over the last 30 years: https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/brain.html

It should also strongly correlate with use, it should be vanish for users of bluetooth sets, and proximity to cell towers should be dominant. It should be really easy to spot.

It seems like the highest risk activity is holding a cellphone up to your ear, because it's a high-powered transmitter at close proximity (see inv. square law) to a sensitive organ. The risks of using a phone 16 inches from your face is probably much lower.

I think the false issue of cellphone radiation is used to distract the public from the real ways which cellphones effect them; the way apps modify user behavior, and the way that always being available for others to contact effects the human psyche.

My favorite retort to 5G mind control conspiracy theories was: they're almost right. They just don't have the locus correct. The mind control is via the social media apps that are communicating over 5G, not 5G itself.

This gentleman is scaremongering at best. A good summary is here [1], but perhaps the most salient point is that we have not seen an increase in cancer rates or any other kind of related public health indicators commensurate with the proliferation of and increasing usage of cell phones. There is not even a correlation to be found, let alone causation.

There is a lot of crap science out there.

[1]: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/dont-fall-...

(Meta: what are the thoughts on flagging obviously crap articles like this one because they are misinformation at best, but possibly having a good discussion in the comments?)

imagine if it affected human behavior even things like being more anxious or aggressive the way lead poisoning does..a sentient AI could exploit this...the last few years have been kind of crazy...brink of global nuclear war

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