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How to Make $3k a Month Citi Biking – Lyft’s “Bike Angel” Program (bloomberg.com)
7 points by carride on Oct 21, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

If I look at the bike angles website, it looks like all the rewards are credits or swag, and it's unclear if you get charged for the bike rides - seems like you need to already pay for a membership in order to not lose money doing this. It's unclear how anyone is doing this to make money, but I guess you can take opportune bike rides to get some kickbacks.

My first thought is why he doesn't rig up a removable harness to transport two bikes at one time and double his income?

Use one of those bike trailers that can clip onto the seat pole, and you could conceivably haul up to a dozen bikes, depending on the design of the rack that’s on the trailer.

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