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US might bail Musk out by blocking Twitter deal over national security (arstechnica.com)
6 points by AlexandrB on Oct 21, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

“It would be hysterical if the government stopped Elon from overpaying for Twitter.” Musk replied with two emojis: a 100 percent sign and a cry-laughing face.

I guess that could be the angle; why he supported China and Russia. To freak out government and get them to block the deal.

Starlink makes sense. If Twitter is a national security issue, then all social media is a national security issue.

That's not a precedent we want.

I think it's possible that Elon himself is perceived as a security issue. A man like thay having the world's biggest megaphone may be a concern to government prognosticators, who knows.

I agree and only wished the federal investigation to be delayed so that we can see just how far he'd have willing to go with that scheme/farce.

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