My favorite testing HTTP Client is still just the IntelliJ built-in, pure text. You know exactly what you send without having to navigate menus and whatnot. In the end, 99% of HTTP requests are just that, text.
Use plain text files (IntelliJ already introduced .http files, which work great)
Sadly it will never work because that would break 90% of the incentives to pay, which his having a sync system.
Because then I could simply commit my http requests and git would be my sync server.
Personally I don't like the IntelliJ Client, the UI is kind of ugly and requires a lot of actions each time I want to send and review a response. Insomnia is way better in that regard.
I have been working on a CLI first workflow that doesn’t require IntelliJ:
I spend my days in the terminal and like curl and httpie for most parts. Hit is to fill in the gaps rather than redo the whole experience of sending HTTP requests.
I’ve a very early prototype. If you get a chance to try it out, please do and share your feedback.
Interesting. I have 2 endpoints (login and get settings) I use for testing in a desktop app and sometimes firing up insomnia for that project is a hassle. But rider has that rest client too so maybe I’ll try it for this one thing.