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Marissa Mayer, Google’s “De Nero,” Reveals What She Asks Job Candidates (techcrunch.com)
8 points by espeed on Dec 8, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

"Starting off the conversation, Crunchfund Partner MG Siegler asked Mayer..."

MG Siegler is also at Crunchfund? Is he still writing for TC? Does neither the SEC or the FCC have anything to say about "journalists" who publish on very widely read publications writing about companies in which they're investing? Regardless, it's pretty hard to believe anything that I see written in TC now.

Is this just me?

My understanding is he writes but more of a freelancer than a member of the team now, and IIRC he's only supposed to cover apple stuff these days? The whole thing still seems shady though, I agree.

De Nero burning Rome

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