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DaVinci Resolve for iPad (blackmagicdesign.com)
505 points by dagmx on Oct 20, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 221 comments

This is "only" two of the seven modules included in the desktop version, but even just one would be a breakthrough on the iPad.

The full DaVinci Resolve is nuts: it covers a complete, Hollywood-level workflow of DAM, editing, grading, sound, and VFX (with probably the most generous freemium model in existence, by a good margin). The iPad version covers one of the two edit workflows (the one more tailored to broadcast than film) and color grading, which will cover quite a few use cases without anything else. I can especially see this being used by serious YouTubers and independent content creators.

I wonder if the asset management module is planned, as that would seem to be the next-most broadly useful module.

Even when Resolve was only ever those two modules (and back then the edit was pretty basic) I thought it was incredibly good. DaVinci's dedication to publishing free (of charge) software is one of the few things keeping Adobe in check.

Slight nitpick, but Blackmagic is releasing the product for free. Before the acquisition, DaVinci would NEVER have released Resolve for free. At least based on their pricing models from decades prior.

Whoops sorry, I meant Blackmagic.

What's your point? Resolve has been free for ages.

That the name of the company giving something away should be accurately noted. DaVinci is no longer a company. It is a brand owned by a company. The brand doesn't set the pricing. The company does.

In the case of Blackmagic, the company doesn't set the price either. It's 100% Grant (Petty, CEO). Long live the king.

If you think the CEO does not set the direction for the company, then you need to study up on some things on how businesses operate.

psst, rumors say that Grant Petty wrote the original drivers for AJA. wikipedia doesn't even seem to have an entry for AJA the company.

I've seen a lot of students serious about video editing switching from (typically pirated) Premiere Pro to Resolve as the free version got better and better. One student told me his high school filmmaking class was switching from FCP to Resolve so that everyone could easily work on their projects at home. It's pretty much the only freeware professional editing suite available - and if some of those students later work in the industry they'll prefer the system they're familar with.

When I used Resolve several years ago the system requirements were high but you could mitigate that by using a proxy workflow.

People have switched to Resolve due to it having a BETER workflow then FCP or Premier. Personally I jumped on the bandwagon due to Linux. The big difference maker for Resolve was when it became an editor. It was THE STANDARD for color correction for over a decade.

My problem was I always found it to have weird holdovers in terms of UI from hardware integration days of colour correctors. Hopefully that is gone now. But for example you used to not be able to just drag your full screen viewing window to a second monitor - they forced you to get their little hardware PCIe card. Given that most Nvidia cards will do 10 bit colour now with the studio drivers I hope they have rethought this.

They prefer for the GPU cores to be doing math rather than displaying image. That's why you can get away with the GPU not being in a full lane width slot. The little PCIe did more than just send out an HDMI signal back then as well, as most of it went to an SDI or even older analog component BNCs. No GPU I've ever seen has had those connectors.

> No GPU I've ever seen has had those connectors.

Not much need for them, either. As long as you have an HDMI output (or a DVI output with a passive HDMI adapter cable), there are HDMI-to-SDI converters. Blackmagic sells 'em for like 70€ apiece - I've disassembled one, it's essentially a HDMI decoder, an FPGA that does the protocol translation and an SDI encoder/transceiver.

NVIDIA Quadro FX SDI cards, ~2008-2020.

holy jeebus, i had never heard of this board. but a quick search found this bit of oddity:

"DVI-to-DVI Connection

Connect one end of the DVI cable to the DVI connector on the SDI Output card and the other end to the "north" DVI connector on the NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600/5600 card as shown. The SDI output will not work if the cable is not connected to these two connectors."

So it was an external pass thru type system that just converted DVI to SDI. They joined the daughter card via external oddball cable rather than making an internal ribbon cable connection.

Yep, it was just to convert computer graphics into broadcast TV world. Probably powering a bunch of TV stations weather broadcasts for the next decade.

That's still a few rungs up from the older skool tech of a large round table top with the different gauges for things like temp/pressure/humidity/etc on it that rotated at a set speed with a stationary camera mount so that the gauges would spin underneath it. For a lot of small cable companies this was the "weather" for that cable company. It would be setup at the head end where all of the various satellite dishes were pulling the feeds. An ex-coworker's family was responsible for that existing, so I used to hear all sorts of "back in the day" themed stories about it.

My AMD W8100 has a SDI port. They're only seen on the workstation cards, not the consumer ones.

You don’t need it anymore. I think it was more the OS not being able to colour manage properly, or have SDI out

I will admit I have never used it but Puget lists insane hardware recommendations, like RTX 3090 and a Threadripper. https://www.pugetsystems.com/recommended/Recommended-Systems...

How is a tablet going to fare?

If you have a complicated enough project, Davinci will happy eat all the hardware you can throw at it (well, up to 3-4 GPUs at least). Puget Systems of course wants to recommend you buy the most expensive thing they can convince you to buy from them.

DaVinci's own hardware requirements listing are considerably tamer. For Mac users, they want 8GB ram minimum and a Metal or OpenCL GPU. Reportedly it works really well on entry level M1 Mac Minis. 2 versions ago worked pretty well on my 2012 Mac Mini with 16GB RAM, and supposedly newer versions run better. I've also run it on Windows with Intel graphics and it worked (not great but it worked), and on a Windows PC with an 2014 mid range GPU works extremely well for HD projects.

It isn't hard to picture them being able to tune it down to use less RAM, especially considering that that removed Fusion from the iPad version which is the most RAM intensive part of the program.

I'm not sure how well I will like using it from touch, but since the basic version for iPadOS will be free, I'll be tempted to try it on my iPad Air.


Digital asset management. Simply: indexing and storing large audio and video files in a durable way.

As long as folks don't think it's an NLE, because that's the one thing it isn't.

(Even though half of its users try to use it for that, get stuck, post on the forum, and then get the other half yelling at them because "it's not an NLE". 17 and 18 took things in the right direction, but it's still going to take a few more versions before people giving it a shot because they think it's a free Premiere or After Effects get burnt)

Edit, because people seem to not understand how Resolve is fundamentally different from a "normal" NLE like Avid's or Adobe's (suggesting they don't actually use Resolve, which is fine, but downvoting because you disagree is kinda weird when it really isn't like normal NLEs):

Resolve has NLE functionality, but it didn't start as an NLE, and its main focus wasn't to "be an NLE". This is first and foremost grading software, born out of wanting the best tool for grading cinema/broadcast video, the thing Black Magic sells cameras for. And of course, the best grading software needs a minimally functional edit view because you can't grade clips if you can't work with clips. And so it had that.

And while BM has been steadily improving that view and wants to morph Resolve to a more general purpose video editing suite (and in the processing become more like a real NLE rather than software with NLE functionality) you're still in a node-graph-based grading suite, just with NLE bells and whistles. A lot of what you'd do to your clips or layers, you still do in the "color" view in Resolve.

If you think you downloaded an NLE, that's going to be weird and unexpected. If you know you're working in grading software that also has a pretty great NLE functionality at this point, things make a bit more sense. Of course, the cry for "real" NLE behaviour is strong, and if many of your users want something (and your name isn't Adobe) you start adding what users want, to the point where BM now wants Resolve to become a full video editing suite, so we're getting there. But slowly. And it won't truly "be an NLE" until probably several version from now.

I've seen quite the opposite. A good percentage of people coming from Premiere or After Effects feel burnt for all the years they spent in the Adobe suite. Just in stability alone is Resolve leagues better. The "batteries included" feature set is not only comprehensive in all parts of the video production pipeline, it is world class in many of the specific categories it competes in.

Hell if you arrange the toolbars and the camera and squint your eyes right, then wack yourself with a brick, even Blender can be used as an NLE

Aside from the non-linear animation (NLA) tools, which are pretty mature, Blender's video editing is pretty close to an actual feature since 3.2.0's Video Sequencer quality-of-life improvements.[1]

Video Sequencer docs: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/3.3/video_editing/introdu...

Compositor docs: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/3.3/compositing/index.htm...

It's still clearly built to help animators tie together renders, with most of the actual "editing" happening in the NLA tools. But it's also not the hack/kludge experience that it was in the 2.x series.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfJNbXYnt9Q

I bebop back and forth between Blender and Resolve and, yes, Blender has made some great improvements but I STILL have sound sync issues on 3.3. Otherwise, Blender is pretty good - but I prefer Resolve overall.

One thing that Blender has over Resolve on Linux is the ability to import ANY mp4 source video. Stupid licensing issues prevent Resolve (and even the paid Studio version) from doing that.

I feel seen. :/

> you're still in a node-graph-based grading suite, just with NLE bells and whistles. A lot of what you'd do to your clips or layers, you still do in the "color" view in Resolve.

The Edit Page isn't node-graph-based, it's a timeline with tracks and clips. What NLE functionality don't you have in the Edit Page?

AFAIAC "nodes" are a feature of Resolve, not a bug.

In their place for sure, but I'm not sure how a node-based NLE would work.

As you mentioned, the nodes are used in Fusion and the Color page, where they belong, not in either timeline editor (Cut Page & Edit Page).

The integration with Fusion is pretty clumsy at the moment. It's not clear what timeline event you're working on when you're on the Fusion page, especially when you have several video tracks stacked at the playhead's location. It disregards the user-selected event (if one has been selected) and instead shows (IIRC) the topmost one instead.

Can you provide some context as to why it's not a NLE? Everywhere i've seen it talked about it's described as an NLE

Of course it's a non-linear editor roughly on par with Avid, Final Cut, or Premiere. With all due respect, this person has no idea what they're talking about.

The Cut page (as opposed to the Edit page) is what's apparently to be included on iPad, but it's 100% as legit a NLE as any other. I wouldn't call After Effects a NLE per se, but the node-based corollary to AE in Resolve is called Fusion and doesn't appear to be (initially) included on iPad.

Moved this response as an edit to the main comment on https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33277308 instead, but keeping this comment rather than deleting it, because the replies to it have value to the discussion.

(You edited your comment to oblivion, but because it was so embarassingly wrong, I don't blame you.)

My original response:

"close enough to a NLE"?? What the--

DaVinci Resolve has included a standalone non-linear editor since 2014. Today it has every major feature one would expect from a NLE-- with the noted exception of a lack of some codecs in the Linux version due to licensing issues, AAC being conspicuously one of them. So ffmpeg is often needed for transcoding media. I have a fair amount of familiarity with Avid, Final Cut Pro (7, not X), and to a lesser degree Adobe Premiere, and some experience with other NLEs from OpenShot to iMovie to Lightworks to Blender's NLE. Not only is DVR a feature-packed NLE- it ALSO includes a ProTools-like audio editing component called Fairlight, a node-based 2d/3d After Effects-like component (which integrates neatly with Blender) called Fusion, and a best-in-class color grading tool, for which Resolve is probably best known, which has roots going back to the DaVinci color correction systems of the 1980s.

DaVinci Resolve has not one NLE interface, but TWO-- the traditional Avid-like Edit page, and a new "Cut Page" (the one that appears in the iPad demo videos), which I think first showed up in DaVinci Resolve 17 (18 is current) and that is meant as a faster UI for doing a rough assembly that heavily integrates with the "Speed Editor" specialized hardware. For a while, there were deals where the Speed Editor came free with a ($300) Studio License. Now, I think it's $400 maybe (?) The paid Studio version includes extra features like more plugins (many of which use neural networks to, say, infer depth or separate objects from backgrounds), headless python scripting, 3d audio, 8k export, and pro stuff like that.

I'm presuming the iPad version will also work with the Speed Editor (it can connect via bluetooth or USB).

And since you mentioned it, the Fusion-style node system is considered superior by many pros to the older layers-based system used by After Effects, which is why it has been adopted by newer software from Unreal to Blender to nuke, etc. Also, you can drop effects "on" clips and layers-- this can be done in the Edit page as per tradition, and works as expected.

Since DaVinci Resolve is meant to run in CentOS, I've helped collaborate on a method for running it in a Linux container as well for anyone who might be interested:


The "Cut Page" has been a godsend for me. I'm going through about 1500 hours of footage right now and that editing mode is the only thing that has made my task even remotely possible for me to pull off.

You need a Speed Editor.

I don't know if you ever played FPSes in the early days of Quake, Doom, etc. but remember how you used to just play with a keyboard and it was okay, but then you switched to mouselook and it was just a whole 'nother world?

That's what the Speed Editor does.

Played FPSes in those early days, so familiar with that. Also use Resolve a lot and have the Speed Editor. But I never got used to the Cut page and just kept using the Edit pane with keyboard shortcuts. The hardware feels really nice but just didn’t surpass the keyboard for my use - I even watched some Cut videos to see what I was missing. I think the way I assemble videos is just too different to the norm?

That's what I use -- the Speed Editor with the "Cut Page."

> Since DaVinci Resolve is meant to run in CentOS, I've helped collaborate on a method for running it in a Linux container as well for anyone who might be interested:

Soooooooooo interested, but sadly it seems NVidia-only.

If Blackmagic would put some of their port-to-iOS muscle on a make-it-work-with-AMD team, it'd be useful to me. Alas, I have a knack for picking losers.

Only for lack of hardware to test it on. There is an open issue if you want to try your hand at getting it to work on non-NVidia, though it will run best on some kind of dedicated GPU due to the heavy graphics operations it does.

See https://github.com/fat-tire/resolve/issues/8

> in any normal NLE, you put your effects on your clips, or your layers. You don't do that in Resolve, because it's grading software

You can add effects onto clips in the Resolve NLE. If you just want to use Resolve as an NLE (ie. you don't want to colour-grade your work or do complex VFX in Fusion), you don't need to go near a node graph.

Perhaps there is some pedantry to be done about whether it is an NLE or has an NLE. No dispute that it used to be colour grading software and the NLE was bolted on later (like a decade ago).

DaVinci Resolve is professionally regarded as an NLE and has been for several versions. In some ways, it is a better NLE than Premiere.

While it was primarily grading software, Black Magic has stated its intent for it to be used as a general purpose video editing solution.

I genuinely think you've never used an NLE, or Resolve.

Odd thing to just go and declare without any actual evidence to guide your thinking process, so: you are genuinely about as wrong as can be.

Okay, then why do you think that Resolve is not an NLE? Have you ever used it?

What do you think the Cut page is? What do you think the Edit page is?

It's not just "an" NLE, it has two slightly different kinds of NLE.

What's NLE in this context?

Non-Linear Editor, which includes things like Adobe Premiere, AVID Media Composer, etc.

And Davinci Resolve's Edit page (I don't know why the ggp says it's not an NLE).

It's an nle like after effects is one. It's not not an nle but it's roots are elsewhere so because of that, it's hard to see it as one, despite advances in the software.

I switched from Premiere and Vegas to Resolve to work on video editing. It's as much an NLE as any other software and behaves exactly as one. I don't use Fusion at all, I solely work in Edit mode and it does everything I need as well as Premiere did. It's even more stable and comes with more in-built effects that I manipulate by automaations directly in the time line.

I don't know why you're saying it's not a "real" NLE.

What do you think the Edit page and the Cut page are?

Scary new technology that wasn't around back in the day. Grandpa Simpson said it best: "I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!"

According to https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve

Resolve is: “The world's fastest and most advanced professional NLE.”

Resolve is fantastic for editing these days. Give 18 a shot

This is incredible on so many fronts. 5-10 years ago, I would choose my computer based on it's potential to edit video. A decade ago, most laptops couldn't handle the load of uncompressed video. 5 years ago, having iMovie on your Ipad allowed us to make sub <5 minute videos of low-res/processed files. Now we have an intersection of 1. an Ipad is powerful enough to handle this type of data processing and 2. BMD has found ways of dealing with the huge file sizes and rendering / editing in real time. Unreal. I imagined this would come some day but not today.

We're still getting used to how much things have changed in the M1+ era.

Nobody should be shocked that it's computationally possible for a tablet to run this software. The question is why would you opt for that?

This is on a tablet with no proper I/O, running an OS with no user-accessible file system. And, based on screen shots, this software presents essentially the same UI it does on the desktop... which is totally inappropriate (if not unusable) on a touchscreen with one's fingers.

So now we have something that is profoundly gimped by the hardware, for which you have to buy MORE hardware (a Pencil). But the Pencil is only supported by the most expensive iPads.

In the end, you're paying as much as (or more than) you would have for a MacBook Air; a real computer running a computer OS with proper I/O, keyboard, and high-quality video and audio output. It's only marginally bigger than an iPad Pro, and... get this... it has A HEADPHONE JACK, which the iPad Pro does not.

All of that makes the MacBook Air a far better portable solution for Resolve than a tablet will ever be.

20 years ago I was editing DV footage in Premiere 4 on an Pentium II 266MHz laptop, with a whopping 192MB of RAM.

So, yeah, ten years ago they ought to have been able to cope with editing.

> A decade ago, most laptops couldn't handle the load of uncompressed video.

I doubt this is true. In 2006 (so 16 years ago) I bought a mid-tier Windows laptop with a 80 GB IDE HDD and I was cutting uncompressed DV avi files on it in Adobe Premiere just fine. Real time preview and everything.

DV was SD and lossy video compression, even if you used AVI as the wrapper format.

> lossy video compression

oh, didn't know that. Good to know, I stand corrected then :)

Yes, pretty incredible considering most of iPad's limitations are artificially imposed by the OS. If Apple would just allow it to be used as a general purpose PC, something they heavily market it as anyway, or gave us the ability to install macOS on it, we probably would've seen announcements like this sooner. The iPad hardware is quite capable, but it's a shame that it's restricted by the OS.

Not many know this but the “walled garden” built around the Apple ecosystem is actually functional as a séance ring keeping the soul of Steve Jobs at peace so it doesn’t rise up from the grave to turn us all into fruitarians.

How is iPad going to handle RAW 8k video? Its highest storage is small, good only for a scratch disk at best or for very short movies.

When it does support it, probably very well. iPads could support editing and playing back multiple simultaneous 4K video streams long before desktop Macs could due to the huge bandwidth between cpu, memory and gpu of A series chips. M chips dialed that up to 11.

As to your storage concerns USB-C iPads, apart from having up to 2TB of internal storage and up to 16 GB of memory, support external drives just as well as any laptop. The time when high end iPads had below low end desktop specs is long gone.

LumaFusion, aka the only way to edit professional video on iPad before this announcement, supports direct editing/ingestion and working directly on an external ssd. With USB-C and thunderbolt supported on the M1 ipads, the experience is basically, hook up your 4TB samsung external portal drive, and edit away. You don't need to copy the information onto the ipad itself. The export also goes to the external drive.

If BMD did not support this fuction for Resolve, they will have a hard time competing against LumaFusion.

However I think LumaFusion will be very carefully monitoring this market. It is theirs to lose.

LumaFusion is a fantastic app, but I do find it a bit fiddly to use sometimes - really precise edits are much harder than they should be. Looking forward to giving Resolve a go though.

Not many people are going to care. I know a lot more people with 4k and lower short videos from iPhones/GoPros/Drones you name it. Being able to edit personal videos on the fly would be very nice.

External drives just like people using macbooks

Does iPadOS support them well though?

Surprisingly yes. It used to be a limitation that apps would have to import the file on to local storage, edit, export back to external. But now extra APIs have been added and video editors can edit on external storage.

The iPad has been sitting in this limbo state where they are way more powerful than most people expect but still not really worth it when you can get a MacBook for the same price and do more.

Yes, you plug it in and it shows up in the Files app as another storage source along with iCloud and any third party service you have like OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive or you can store files locally in the iPad.

The workflow many post-production studios use for editing/grading is to keep files on a NAS with proxies (i.e., lower-quality transcodes of the video clips in the edit) on a local disk -- that's the workflow I use even with my desktop machine, and I bet it'll work well with this too.

Now that mobile devices are getting this powerful, we need them to start supporting larger storage again.

The iPad has options up to 2TB SSD and supports USB4 external storage along with 10Gbit ethernet.

The tests I’ve seen say that (depending on how you implement it) an iPad Pro M1 only pulls 5Gbps (directly powering) to 7.7Gbps (powered) out of a 10GbE card.

Has there been some development in this area?

Not sure. But I'm sure 5Gbps is probably good enough for any work you'd be doing on an ipad.

I'd generally agree, with the caveat that running a video editing workflow off of a NAS/SAN would want all the speed it can get, which is 10GbE at this time on MacOS/iPad OS (AQC107 chip).

So for copying files over it's bit slower, but for working with stuff it could be a pretty big issue. I really don't know; I haven't tried it as my iPad Pro is an earlier non-TB model.

They are expandable now up to 40Gb/s per tech specs

If you have a camera that shoots RAW 8k video, I'd wager you aren't using an iPad to edit on.

Yes, but you might be using an iPad to take your rushes and throw together a quick assemble right there on set, "there that's how it'll look", and even import the timeline into your proper project.

OK, iPad Pro has something like 4k-5k video camera, which produces a lot of RAW data anyway (assuming software can access RAW feed with some lossless compression applied), so the problem is still there unless you want to prepare videos with ugly artifacts from compression.

iPad Pros can have 2TB onboard and hook up to external storage just fine. There isn’t much difference between that and the average laptop.

That said 90% of users are probably going to be working with compressed 4k video because they don’t notice the difference and it saves time.

Does the 2TB model have any additional bells and whistles? The difference to the base model is 1300€, which is almost as much as just buying an "average laptop".

The apple website does not mention anything, but that cannot be right. ?


I don't think it is the tool for the job

I don't think it is the tool for that job, but for footage acquired on the iPad it will do just fine thank you very much. The iPads are being used for shooting way more frequently than I'd have given credit, until I realize that if an iPad was available back when I was unable to afford other equipment, I'd have used the hell out of it too. We shot the shit out of VHS=>SVHS=>Hi8=>Digi8=>DV/MiniDV as if it were film. Now, there's image stabilization, light as a feather, prices are a fraction of prior so for the price of one thing you can get like 3 or 4, and then consider them crash cams, etc. Then when you get done shooting, there's 0 time wasted on transfering to your editor as your friggin camera is the editor and the color corrector. I mean, why the hell would you not do this if you're a broke ass college film student. hell, even elementary school kids could be doing this. it's mind boggling what kids have at their finger tips now.

I was talking about the specific thing I responded to. 8k RAW video on a device without the storage for it. But I'm sure there are proxies possible.

You can likely find some out of touch people to proselytize to somewhere else on this thread.

And i was agreeing with you. The proselytizing as you call it was me being able to expand past the nonsense proposed and offered up a more compelling workflow. Sorry to offend thy sensitivities on expanding upon a conversation.

One of the things that makes this a big deal is an iPad is often the most color accurate highest quality display anyone has.

Yep. I do almost of my photo editing on my iPad for this reason. For video I've been using my iPad as an external display and color grading in Resolve.

You don't realize how extremely off consumer monitors are until you compare it to a calibrated one like the ipad.

For anyone doing color critical work a $100 calibrator should be a desk accessory.

Even the factory calibration on every single Mac in my house (there are several, including a brand new M1 Air) has been notably off until calibrated.

The unfortunate thing about the iPads is that though they cover the DCI-P3 space there is no way to calibrate them. My Pro is significantly off my calibrated iMac and Air.

> extremely off consumer monitors are...

I'm not sure what consumer monitors you're using, but they are certainly not "extremely off". You're making it sound like shades of green on the iPad turn into muddy brown on a monitor, which isn't true.

I had the ipad connected to a $700 LG monitor and the LG one was much much redder than the ipad, the difference was significant. It's fine for programming, gaming, and content consumption, but if you were doing any visual production work, this is unusable.

So calibrate your LG. (something you can't do on your iPad).

> "but if you were doing any visual production work..."

...then you would press the menu button on your monitor and adjust so that your monitor is usable. The default settings on your LG do not represent every monitor out there. A lot of monitors have good out-of-box colour.

> $700 LG

The monitor market is competitive. Watch reviews and choose a monitor with good out-of-box colour if you can't be bothered calibrating. Something like the ASUS Proart, or numerous others.

If the LG is much redder it could just be a color management issue - display running in native P3, software outputting sRGB.

What does being off mean? If that's how everyone sees it, isn't that what you should use as reference instead of a device with "correct" rendering that only a few people uses?

Each screen is off in some way but not the same way. By grading on a screen that is properly color graded you prevent the picture from looking trash on some. Imagine color being off is a vector in 2D space starting from origin. It can be in any direction. If your monitor is off too then your color error vector would be added to the consumer's color error vector. It might make the color even better for some when those two vectors cancel each other but make it outright unbearable for other's. That's my understanding of it and not very accurate.

Being “off” means that what the monitor emits is not exactly what it should have been. Too bright, too dark, too red, too whatever. There is no one “off”, every display is differently incorrect, so it would be impossible to use as a reference. The correct reference is a sufficiently accurate representation what every display aims to be, even if they don’t quite get there. That’s what calibration does: get closer to the target all displays are trying to achieve.

Sure, if every single monitor is off the same way.

MacBook Pros have the same Liquid Retina XDR miniled screen as the new iPad pro. It’s really good. Won’t replace your calibrated pro grading monitor but damn it’s good out of the box

Simple question here: Video files are HUGE. An iPad, even with a fairly large storage for a tablet, would be quickly swamped by the files, and to transfer the RAW video files to and from the device would make it quite frustrating.

Is there a way to connect an external drive on an iPad?

Presumably, you could edit using proxies on your iPad and only have those actually synced to the iPad itself for space saving. It's not 1:1 to your source footage, but depending on how you encoded the proxy it certainly would be good enough for cutting footage on the go and you could sync the project back to your computer to continue working.

Yeah proxies would be the way to go with this - that or short form content. You could easily have a bunch of high quality videos on an iPad to edit a single 2 or 3 minute video which may be their target audience here. Once you are done send those high quality source files up to a cloud storage and delete them locally.

Personally I am still waiting for someone to really get the proxy workflow right - it still requires too much manual control and planning. Someone needs to create a very robust asset management plane that does a better job of autolinking files when they are accidentality unlinked (could be easily done with a simple AI analyzing video content of different files along with an audio analyzer).

> Personally I am still waiting for someone to really get the proxy workflow right - it still requires too much manual control and planning. Someone needs to create a very robust asset management plane that does a better job of autolinking files when they are accidentality unlinked (could be easily done with a simple AI analyzing video content of different files along with an audio analyzer).

I'm hoping that the iPad app will push BM to be the ones to do this. Given that the concept of a filesystem on an iPad is very different (yeah, the Files app exists but it's terribly buggy if you are using network shares and stuff) and the need for auto-linking goes up quite a bit.

If their MVP iPad app evolves into something that "just works" across devices, then I think they will have a really good value proposition in a field where short-form or fast produced social media content can be done on the go.

All usb-c iPads support external drives and the old lightning ones have limited support with an adapter

Sounds like it from their description ("USB-C media disks"):

Supported file formats include H.264, H.265, Apple ProRes and Blackmagic RAW, with clips able to be imported from the iPad Pro internal storage and Photos library, or externally connected iCloud and USB-C media disks.

Lumafusion (the incumbent product in this space) can edit directly on an external drive without copying the information to the ipad itself.

I use a 4tb samsung ssd and on usb-c , it's pretty much as fast as you need it to go, and if you need more space, you can get 8TB ssd's - it's more expensive, but it's easy enough to get.

On my M1 Air I use a 500gb USB C San Disk drive as my scratch. You can get much higher drives and connect it over USB C.

USB-C ipads seem to support 10gbps speeds.

You can hook up a 10gbps Ethernet adapter[0]

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HesEVXItRu0

It's thunderbolt, so 40gbps

Note that not all usb-c iPads are thunderbolt, only the 2(?) most recent iPad Pro models.

Yup, the drive shows up in the Files app when mounted.

The iPad Pro has faster storage than most people’s computers, and the same i/o as the Macbook Air (USB3/Thunderbolt).

It would not be swamped, no.

iPadOS doesn’t support RAW video formats (just h264, h265 and ProRes) but yes you can edit directly off usb-c SSD, it’s plenty fast.

Grant (the founder of Blackmagic) is incredible, one of my favourite CEOs. I’ve had Blackmagic pocket cameras since the first one and they are something else. Resolve (non-studio version) being free on desktop is nuts - it’s one of the best pieces of software I use. The value this company gives away to creators for free (or at very affordable price point) is unparalleled

Blackmagic offers a great lineup for prosumers entering into professional gear territory. Their Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera is an indie production darling, picked by many upcoming film directors and cinematographers.

I use one myself, and I appreciate how its raw format output provides flexibility to adjust colors. I edit them in Davinci Resolve, one of the best software for color grading also made by Blackmagic.

I've used LumaFusion for years since it's the only real editor option on the iPad. They took forever to launch vector scopes and they still don't have keyframe easing or basic speed ramping, so it's good to see some competition here.

The syncing feature may just push me to use Resolve full time, since it'd let me do basic cutting and even color grading on the iPad and any intensive work on my computer seamlessly.

Pretty incredible this can come out before Final Cut Pro for iPad.

I think this shows that Final Cut Pro on iPad was never really in the cards. Furthermore, Apple is using this Davinci Resolve release in their own marketing materials. I love Final Cut Pro, but as time goes by it seems like it's headed the way of Aperture, after competitors like Adobe Lightroom took over the marketshare - cancellation. Especially when other developers are creating great software like Resolve and LumaFusion. Not to mention hundreds of film editors wrote an open letter to Tim Cook "begging for Final Cut Pro commitment."

apple has some real issues since about a year or two

Its not out yet.

It will be before Final Cut most likely

Love this!!! I am huge DaVinci fan because it runs cross-platform (yes linux too). The price is amazing for such a high quality product. Need to see what you really can do on the iPad, I doubt the VFX stuff is there. But this is great.

Has anyone here used an iPad as their primary editing tool?

Unless one were really constrained by weight or items, I don't know why someone wouldn't just edit on their Macbook.

I think it's great that you can do this on an iPad; I just wonder how useful it really is. The Macbook Air is pretty small and lightweight already.

It would be interesting to see a side by side editing session comparison with two people, one using an iPad, and the other using a laptop.

This is nice but any serious video editor would use a Macbook instead no? Why bother with this version?

For some things, you need a "real" computer.

For some things, you need a tablet ("LOL what could that possibly be?" Oh, I dunno, does your laptop have multiple very-high-quality cameras built-in with all kind of fancy depth-sensors and AR-related hardware, an accelerometer, et c.? GPS and/or cell radio? Touch & drawing input? Stupid-high idle battery life, with near-instant-on from any level of sleep? Sure, some have some of that, but how many have all, especially without peripherals? How comfortable is it to use while standing, or while walking around? How good's your laptop at replacing a scanner? Reading PDFs or ebooks while on the go?)

The more things i-devices can do well-enough that were previously desktop- or laptop-only means more times you don't need to have both devices to be able to do all the things you want to do.

It's harder to go the other way (making laptops/desktops good at the things tablets are good at—most of those require adding more, expensive hardware, and changing or hybridizing the form factor) so the trend is in the direction of making tablets more and more capable.

It wouldn't be such a concerning trend if Apple was simply a really good hardware vendor. Instead, the iPad is a toll-road with a 30% tax that goes straight to Apple. If they gave iOS alternate app stores or even just opened the iPad bootloader (as we know is fully possible on M1), people wouldn't be shifting in their seats as much. Instead, Apple is innovating in one hand and extorting in the other, and then pretending like both can't exist without the other.

There isn't a company in the world that has a larger R&D budget than Apple. If $200 billion dollars in liquid funding can't design a decent, freedom respecting tablet, then Apple hasn't fixed much of anything (in my opinion).

Field editing, showing clients live renders as they give you suggestions for edits, being able to grab the ipad and work on some ideas while on the go.

All of these comments "why use ipad instead of Macbook to do x" has been answered a long time ago. The massive market sale through rate for the ipad ecosystem answers the justification better than anyone on this site can answer.

Same for the Lightroom/Photoshop on iPad folks - why use lightroom on ipad? so you can do it on the go without opening up your macbook. And use the pencil.

The biggest reason would be the portability. If you are on a plane, using an iPad is often much easier than a full laptop.

It's also the portability with a colour-accurate HDR screen. That's a pretty huge step-up from what most laptops can do.

List of people color grading hollywood movies on their ipad during plane flights:

Steven Soderbergh has edited full feature films on a flight and I wouldn't be surprised to see him attempt to color grade them as well. Of course he's better as Steven than Peter Andrews so who knows what quality his color pseudonym would be.

Not Hollywood, but professional Youtuber's and journalists edit their videos on planes. MKBHD comes to mind.

Yes most people would use a MacBook (myself included). But some people love doing stuff on the iPad, LumaFusion is a thing - whatever works hey.

Also I think Resolve is a Qt app so maybe it wasn’t a total pain to port - Apple also likely paid them to do it I would guess.

Apple Pencil is iPad only

I love the idea of editing on an iPad if it means not always having to carry a laptop around, especially on set or while out shooting. But there’s a pretty significant roadblock preventing that workflow- there’s still no way to get your footage off of your camera and on to an external drive (to plug into the iPad) without a laptop.

Most cameras can plug directly into the iPad.

So how do you move files from cameras to external USB-C drives? By having a dock/splitter that allows to connect both at the same time?

Yeah, a USB-C hub should do it. Also some cameras record directly to USB-C drives.

Apple massively increased the price of the the entire iPad line-up in Europe. It's going to be interesting to see what impact it will have on Apple's earnings. Will Apple's goodwill make people accept the new prices or will Apple's brand take a hit for increasing the price in times where people are financially vulnerable?

It's not like they did it out of spite or greed - both the EUR and GBP have plummeted against the USD over the last year. One area they could look at though is outrageous storage premiums. The price jump between levels is now a joke.

> The price jump between levels is now a joke.

It has always been a joke. Now it just ain't funny anymore.

300 to 600EUR increase for the most basic iPad is not reflecting 25% EUR collapse.

The european price is actually better than it was last time around, which is surprising. Using Irish numbers (because I'm Irish ..)

At announcement (Sept 2021), the 9th gen was $329 US, which was €280 (at the time). Plus +23% VAT gives us €345.22. The actual retail price was €399 - 15.5% higher?

At announcement, the 10th gen is $449 US, which is €459. Plus +23% VAT gives us $564.75. The actual retail price is €599 - 6.5% higher.

The hike is the increase in the base price, plus the exchange rate, plus the accompanying tax. We're actually closer to parity on this release than the last release.

(Also - you must admit rounding 399 to 300 is rather disingenuous.)

Apple still sells the 9th gen iPad. How much does it cost today in Ireland?


It's still $329 in the US, which is €336 here, or €413 after tax. So it's 9% higher than parity - better than it was (at release), but not as close as the 10th gen is.

What I tend to see in apple's european pricing is three (well, 2.5) things. One is that they're ridiculously hooked on round numbers. 413 is never going to be 413 on the sticker. And two, is that it's very rare that they change the sticker price after it's released. (Sounds silly when they've just bumped the 9th gen & ipad mini, but I'm genuinely struggling to think of any prior examples).

So the .5 is that this means their prices include what's essentially a gamble on the currency. It doesn't just reflect where the rate is now, it reflects where they think it's going. This time last week, we were paying less dollars for the 9th gen than the US was - and they've taken the unusual step of actually correcting for that. In short, the house always wins.

I just don't buy the theory that the increase is a punishment for the EU's decision on usb cables etc. The EU and US prices are aligned within roughly the same margin they're usually aligned by. It seems people don't realise how quickly a 20-something% shift in currency and a 20-something% tax rate add up (on top of the increase on the US price), and they'd rather grasp at theories than calculators.

Apple's pricing in Europe (and anywhere outside the US) seems somewhat hostile. Latin America has similar issues as well.

A few years ago someone made a website showing it being cheaper to fly somewhere to buy an Apple product and still save money despite also paying for the airline ticket.

I will say one thing, even in the US - buying from Apple is rarely the best option. Other sellers (Amazon.com or electronics stores) generally have better prices.

This makes sense if you think about it. If Amazon.com has a 10% off deal relative to Apple.com, people would hit the buy button immediately. Amazon gets a cut, and Apple adds a user.

If Apple also has the same 10% off deal, it is no longer as attractive of an offer and would reduce conversion rates. People might try to search if anywhere else has a better price, etc, and get distracted by other things.

9th gen is 339EUR in Germany (3rd party sellers).

Also, when it comes to a market, typically sellers have to adjust pricing to market conditions or they move categories. 340EUR is already cost for a premium Android tablet and iPad just started at that price.

They're likely pricing in further changes. Better to assume things will get worse and price that in once, than have to reprice every few months.

Given that keeping prices the same would weigh down their earnings as well, since they're reported in dollars, the financial impact of this is not a simple thing to calculate.

It's certainly not simple for me to calculate, but I would guess that Apple has people with more information and more experience calculating such things. It's not usually a company often associated with being bad at making money.

Oh wow company makes $1,7b profit instead of $1,9b. The end is near. Capitalism is really a cancer when the only thing matters is growth growth and growth.

The Facebook movie was really spot on with the "A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A billion" line

They have a responsibility to their shareholders. I think raising prices amid inflation is the responsible thing to do… these are not essential goods like food and fuel.

You could opt for consumer electronics from European companies instead.

People still don't understand exponential function / compound interest...

Hate capitalism as much as you want. But it's the only system that consistently uplift people and improve standard of living over time.

It's the best system among all the bad systems out there.

Whenever there is this sort of discussion, I can't help but wonder what each person is actually referring to. We typically aren't discussing purely capitalist or socialist economies, but highly specific systems with their own mixture of regulations and rules over nations with their own specific cultures and material realities.

sounds like hardened political rhetoric to me and classical capitalist realism - no place for that here

If you can find evidence of a different system that’s come anywhere close to raising living standards of ordinary citizens nearly as much, I’d love to hear about it. And no, China doesn’t have a communist economy, pretty much everything productive about China is capitalist.

wengrow & graeber's recent research shows plenty of evidence (post discovery of agriculture and well beyond dunbar's number), that's a good place to start with your question. tangentially, mark fisher is also good for unpacking what you've said

Thanks for pointing me to wengrow & graeber. I've not read the book, but went through the summary on wikipedia which seems pretty good. It's interesting and I don't have any problem with the claims or conclusions in the summary, butI don't really see how it critiques capitalism.

It talks about the fact that progress isn't linear and that societies don't inevitably become more hierarchical, and I agree that seems right. In fact I could argue that capitalism is precisely an example of societies becoming more decentralised as Europe moved away from feudal and state monopoly systems, and individual financial, association, labour and property rights became established. At the same time monarchic and imperial systems gave way to democratic forms of government, with a few autocratic bumps along the road.

So to me liberal democratic capitalism is much more similar to the egalitarian societies encountered by European imperialists than it is to those imperial systems of the time. The only difference is that technological advances in transport, communication and the management of complexity have massively scaled up economic activity and the benefits that flow from it.

But then from what I can Tell Mark Fisher denied that there is such a thing as an economy. I'm not sure I rally get what he meant. anyway thanks for the references.

their book dawn of everything connects the dots to capitalist realism and graeber's earlier books cover related territory. they would disagree with some of your conclusions. it's a great read and the complete opposite of fukuyama's end of history argument

mark fisher doesn't deny economy, he takes a materialist perspective on it. his book 'capitalist realism' is probably a good starting point (i've only read his other works, that one is supposed to be a concise read of his thesis)

cheers for taking the time to broaden your perspective

How does your comment differ from your own judgement?

where am I repeating a hardened propaganda line? all I did was identify one

Apple doesn't need Europe. The region it's included in is worth 19% of Apple's business, and that region includes the Middle East, India, and Africa. Europe might be 10% of the business, maybe a bit more, maybe less.

Worth keeping in mind. They're quite able to wind down business in Europe if the alternative is being forced to build their devices in a way they don't want.

Raising prices to match the extra cost of doing business in Europe is a no-brainer. If that means it's no longer profitable to sell to the subcontinent, no problem, they'll just... stop doing that.

It's cute to imagine a world where that happens, but there isn't a chance Apple abandons their multi-billion dollar European investments because everyone hates the lightning connector. The premise of Apple leaving Europe is an idle threat.

Maybe have a look at the “Brussel effect” wiki page. The EU is big enough to make worldwide changes financially the rational choice, so these choices are made based on EU laws.

> They're quite able to wind down business in Europe if the alternative is being forced to build their devices in a way they don't want

This assumes Apple's management has the stomach for the resulting negative revenue growth and the subsequent reaction from Wall Street.

Also, a huge chunk of their cash offshoring / tax minimization strategy is based in Europe: they'd revert to USB-A charging ports if the choice was between that and shutting down the Irish office.

Why would they pull out of Ireland? They could have one store in Dublin, that sells the last model iPhone which was grandfathered in, while supplies last, for a couple grand, or whatever the price ends up being once Europe is done objecting.

EMEA does not include India.

And the MEA is peanuts compared to the first E when you think about money available to spend.

Have you read any of Apple's financials?

It says right there, in every single one of Apple's quarterly and annual reports:

> Europe includes European countries, as well as India, the Middle East and Africa

Even if it's just 10%, you don't abandon 10% of your market. That's 8 billions for Apple just last quarter.

well Apple's an American company and we have one of the few relatively strong currencies in the world. so anything we export is going to get very expensive for y'all very quick. don't be so fast to blame Apple.

Apple's cost of business in europe is also going up from fines and requirements to e.g. migrate charging. so it's not surprising that is passed through to european customers.

also there are plenty of good substitutes and Apple has always been more of a premium brand so i don't think the "financial vulnerability" argument holds water here.

That’s interesting! It could partly be explained by falling Euro but could also be Apple increasing prices to include the “fine” taxes. Cost of doing business invariably gets passed on to customers.

Now if we can just get Logic (with VSTs). I'd love to leave my MBP at home when I'm on the road and still be able to write music.

I use GarageBand with AudioUnits on my iPad all the time. It works pretty well, though they do make the AudioUnits hard to find. Obviously it doesn't have all the features of Logic (which I also use on my Mac Pro), but it's surprisingly good. And, you can take stuff from GB into Logic later if you want to punch it up or do something that's not possible on the iPad.

You know, I just discovered GarageBand on the iPad myself and I have to say I was impressed. Too bad my 4th gen air has lighting as a connector, otherwise I'd pop in a USB c hub and attach my little NI m32 and be rocking! With that, it would be enough to at least draft ideas on the road.

Full-fledged mobile DAW is one thing I'm surprised doesn't really exist. That would make so much money. I know I'm not the only person that gets sudden ideas that need to be expressed audibly before the inspiration is gone, on the go.

Far from full fledged but I just discovered that Cubase has something for iOS and Android. I got really excited until I remembered how hindered I'd be without VSTs, particularly since I mostly score orchestral.

I do believe the day is fast approaching though I was hoping it was going to be with this iteration.

To all the experienced DVR users: does it have good native media management capabilities?

I’m an FCPX user and always felt that was a big black mark against FCPX. For instance, it seems designed to manage your media on a per-project basis, and can’t easily be shoehorned into having a single large (organised) library accessible from many loosely-coupled projects. Disconnected original media drives don’t have graceful failure states - even when using a local proxy workflow. Tagging, sorting and displaying large media libraries always feels quite cumbersome. That kind of thing.

Keen to hear whether DVR is more sensible - I’m quite keen to give it a go if so.

It's awesome to see such a widespread response from outside the video production industry. Blackmagic has been charging ahead with Resolve development and managed to carve a niche of the industry most people thought was impossible.

I'm excited about the possibilities this could bring. For now I mostly just have a lot of questions. This sounds like it will be for smaller production work, like vlog/podcast/promo shorts where the iPads limited storage will be capable.

The cut page is a nifty idea, it makes tasks like interview string-outs and cut-downs a fairly straightforward process. I don't know a single editor who uses it though.

Color wise, assuming I can sync my stills and take the iPad on the go, would be useful in some scenarios. But that's an expensive commodity. Generally when we go to color, it requires far more storage than an iPad is capable of.

I want to love it. But right now, I'm far more skeptical of its real world usefulness. I mostly just have a lot of workflow questions. I was personally hoping for something that was more of an extension of the desktop app than a standalone product.

One thing Blackmagic needs to do is bring the advanced Resolve features into the support realm and workflow documentation. The collaboration server and the cloud sync are mystery products. There's almost no formal support or documentation on how they work, how to solve a sync issue or overwrite when they happen, or to get actual feedback on issues from real engineers.

Another easy way to use Resolve for free. Anyone here can and should use Resolve for quick and dirty color correction. Like having a good mic, it really makes your video stand out in terms of quality.

> Supported file formats include H.264, H.265, Apple ProRes and Blackmagic RAW, with clips able to be imported from the iPad Pro internal storage and Photos library, or externally connected iCloud and USB-C media disks.

Since it runs on an iPad, I assume it uses the system libraries to support H.264 files properly, but I can't pass up the chance to grumble about the HyperDeck Studio Mini. It says it supports H.264 files, then you find this deep in the manual:

“HyperDeck Studio Mini will play back H.264 files recorded on a HyperDeck Studio Mini, but not H.264 files recorded on other video equipment.” —https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/UserManuals/HyperDeck...

Also, it pretends the files it doesn't like don't exist at all, rather than telling you.

H.264 playback for generally rendered content was improved in release 8.1.1, according to the release notes.

I've tried to use Resolve (on other platforms). I am quite competent in, for instance, ScreenFlow for the mac. Works great for regular video editing (not just screen capture stuff), and while there is a lot to learn, it is quite intuitive. Unfortunatley my mac is old and I need windows for work, so I thought Resolve would come to the rescue.

But I just can't wrap my head around the Resolve workflow. To do really basic stuff it seems to have a huge learning curve. I have no doubt it is powerful, but there is a point where I just can't justify the time to learn it. (I use a lot of video in my job as well as hobby/family stuff, but I'm not a professional video editor per se)

Is this anyone else's experience? Is it really only targeted at professionals? I was very excited to see that they are giving away such a sophisticated product for free, but man....

I'm an amateur, using Resolve for holiday/family clips. It took one or two YouTube tutorials for me to get it, but I've got a smooth workflow now.

    * Create project *and set the frame rate before importing video clips, because you can't change it once you've got clips*.
    * Choose "DaVinci YRGB Color Managed" under project settings, Color Managment - this is more flexible for coloring later on.
    * Add your media, then choose any clip(s), right-click and and create timeline from it.
    * Use NLE functions to make the edit.
    * Color grade (and stabilise clips).
      - Turn on Scopes -> Waveform (UI bottom right) and set the white balance by dragging the 'dot' in the middle of the Offset wheel.
        You want the red/green/blue waves to overlap where there's a region of grey/white in your video frame.
        This can be tough if you have no grey/white, but you can copy color settings from other clips.
      - Adjust other settings as necessary.
    * Deliver/export.

Embarrassing that this exists before Apple gets its own Final Cut Pro on their so-called 'iPad Pro'.

Never understood how they could have the audacity to call it an iPad 'Pro' when none of Apple's actual by-name 'Pro' software was - or, to this date - 5 years later - still is.

No 'Logic Pro', no 'Final Cut Pro'...still no Xcode, either. Other than illustrators/designers, can someone please explain to me what 'Pro' can use an iPad 'Pro' for any serious professional-grade tasks?

The mind boggles.

Similar to a game console, I purchase hardware for the software it can run. I don't care if it's as powerful as my equivalent MacBook Pro; because there's nothing I can use to take advantage of that power.

DaVinci hasn't been released yet. This is an announcement that it will be released for iPad in Q4. FCP could still be released first.

Come on, this is disingenuous. If it was going to be released first it would have been the software shown off in the promo videos. They wouldn’t show a competitor if they were about to drop one of their flagship pieces of software on iPad for the first time, they’d be making a song and dance of it.

The best way to use DaVinci Resolve is on a desktop PC with ultrawide monitor and one of the controllers such as the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor. I own that controller and it's great.

I really wanted to like editing videos on the couch on my iPad Pro (2018 model) 12inch with pencil in LumaFusion, and it's cool at first because "editing on an iPad".. then screen real estate reality set in. For me anyway. Video editing tasks and projects vary greatly in scope, and some projects would be great on the iPad. Maybe I'll try again later, but after getting an ultrawide monitor I discovered that yes, I really do want a timeline that wide.

So excited for this. I really love editing photos on my iPad in Lightroom... I find it relaxing. Much more so than if I had to grab my laptop to do it. Looking forward to doing the same with my drone footage now.

I'm curious about professionals who do actually productive work on a tablet or even phone format. The touch screen or color calibration can be helpful, but you could probably use the money spent on an iPad in getting those extra features for your desktop or laptop. If you are a remote worker on the move, having a mobile setup would be well worth it and perhaps your only option, but the experience of getting any work done seems so woeful.

A lot of film work is done on set and mobility is important. Currently high end productions who'll use DIT (digital imaging technician) carts which quickly become unwieldly. While this one replace all those setups, in certain scenarios where you need to be mobile and fast (branded docs, smaller crews, etc) a smaller highly mobile setup becomes ideal.

Man BMD has been absolutely crushing it the last 2 years or so. The number of people I see jumping to resolve as their main NLE is staggering. They were often mocked when they jumped into the cinema camera game in the early 2010s and now their imaging hardware is a production mainstay at all levels of the industry.

I am very curious to see how their foray into iOS goes here. Could be huge. Frankly I just feel like I lack the imagination for what this opens up. Can’t wait to experiment!

Web publishing aside:

Why do sites like this totally neglect the page title and meta attributes for sharing in social media such as Open Graph?

At bare minimum, why not include <title>Blackmagic Design Announces DaVinci Resolve for iPad</title> in the <head> element?

I checked the page with Facebook’s Sharing Debugger and found:

og:title: Media | Blackmagic Design og:description: All items on this website are copyright […]

This is nice, but it's not that incredible : Windows tablets running Resolve smoothly exists since many years (Surface Pro), and they do run the full davinci resolve suite on top of an actual desktop OS.

On the other hand, M1/M2 ipads pro should be way more powerfull than the Surfaces if you need to do some heavy editing/color grading. And it seems they optimized this version for the pencil use.

Does anyone know what stabiliser they used in the promos when they were showing off the iPad Pro filming the car and then editing the footage in DaVinci?

In a fairly related note -- if there's an available editor here that knows anime style and pacing, please let me know where I can see your stuff

Asking for a friend who is amateur, how does this compare to LumaTouch’s LumaFusion?

It's a full-blown editing, VFX, and grading package, used for some really heavy-duty productions. If you don't want to edit larger than 4k resolution, the free-as-in-beer version does nearly everything else that the paid-for one does. The paid-for one is about 200 quid.

The training materials (I've linked to them below) are second to none, not just for video editing tools but for any software I've ever seen. Have a look at them - there are some training videos and several very comprehensive books backed up with high-quality sample material.

On a PC, you'll need a decent graphics card but I managed with a Core i5-4570, 16GB of RAM, and a GT1030 - I am a patient man, though, and don't mind kicking off a render and going for a cup of tea with a good book.

Dig through the training material:


This is awesome!!! It's great to have this option as an alternative on-the-go.

Ok, this is a pretty big deal.

Agreed. iPad pros have had a serious lack of professional video editing software. This may be the thing that makes me buy an iPad Pro.

Holy shit, this is free and will be available on iOS devices!

This is going to be wildly popular on film/TV sets

This is a good reference for anyone complaining that the new iPad is "too powerful", which happened a bunch in the recent announcement threads. Yes, not everyone's going to be editing 8K video on their iPad, but everything that makes that possible makes lots of other current and future advanced use cases possible. For example, the lidar sensor foreshadows that the iPad has an important part in Apple's mixed reality plans.

> For example, the lidar sensor foreshadows that the iPad has an important part in Apple's mixed reality plans.

The LIDAR is there to serve as a playground for the app developers, including in-house. A glorified dev board. I doubt iPads themselves will be a part of Apple's XR plans.

> I doubt iPads themselves will be a part of Apple's XR plans.

iPads are serving as a proxy for the Reality headset today. Meaning, you can go to https://www.apple.com/augmented-reality/ right now to get a preview of how Apple will be selling Reality to customers.

We don't yet know how Reality will work with iPads/iPhones, but one can read the tea leaves by thinking about how Apple will leverage technologies like Handoff, Continuity, AirPlay, etc. It's not crazy to think that Reality will leverage nearby devices for storage, connectivity, and even compute and GPU.

In other words: Rather than wondering if iPads will be part of Apple's MR plans, I recommend thinking about how iPads will increasingly be part of Apple's MR plans.

Too bad iPad OS is a joke. A gutted version of a real software program running on an M1 should not be exciting news in 2021.

I tried it something like 1 or 2 years ago, it crashed.

I don't if there are CPU or GPU requirements.

How could you try something that didn't exist?

As a pro developer you should have known that he is talking about the famous

Error 666: Software does not exist yet - exiting

This crash was annoying so many people - finally BMD did something about it!

not talking about the ipad version, obviously

Then what's the relevance of the comment about stability? This thread is about the coming iPad version. It's reasonable to assume you're talking about it (or confused and in the wrong place), given that's the topic of the submission.

Desktop video editors are notoriously unstable (assuming since you didn't specify). It's probably not the same codebase, and it'll be operating under clearer constraints the developers can target for maximum stability and performance.

yeah okay

just saying the desktop version crashed after launching it

hope it's fixed now

in the mean time, I can use avidemux and other things to do simple video editing

I'm very sorry if my irrelevant comment upset you

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