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if you’re talented why would you ever go into politics or work as a civil servant?

Setting money aside for a moment, one can do much more good in a government position that as a private entity (unless you have Bill Gates level wealth, but that is a different conversation). My dad worked for a nationalized bank - we were poor, but my dad helped tons of people thanks to his job with the government. His pay was shit, he had nothing to show for his 33 years of work money wise, but he was so happy helping marginalized and poor villagers.

I on the other hand - my starting salary matched his last salary. I have nothing to show achievements wise - all I have done is attend meaningless meetings and write CRUD code for soulless companies.

While the government job situation today is much worse that it was during my dad's time, I still think one can do a lot of good as civil servant than as a highly paid developer for a wall street firm.

I agree with you on the topics of politics though.

Because not everything is fungible.

Because a person is a person through other people.

Because despite the rhetoric of cynics, good governance is both possible and valuable.

Because one is not content to merely be critical of current governance from the sidelines.

Because one supports the mission; it is necessary.

Because the mission is challenging.

Because one values service to their fellow citizens.

Because their fellow citizens value that person's talents and service.

Because even if someone believes that everything is fungible and nothing matters but themselves, it's possible to find challenging, well paid, highly regarded work in government.

It's an extension of "if you can't, teach" I think. Perhaps there's a second verse to it, like with "Jack of all trades, often better than master of none".

If you can't, teach, and if you can't do that, go into politics.

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