Tariffs should be unilaterally abolished: no need to wait for the other guys to stop hitting their head against a wall, you can stop today. Ie no need to wait for free trade agreements. Just declare unilateral free trade.
If that was done, all workplace safety and employment security laws would stop being useful and become mostly only a financial drain on all domestic businesses, as foreign countries without such laws and restrictions could offer cheaper goods and services by exploiting and endangering their employees. Also all child labor laws. Most domestic businesses would, by force of price competition, be made to buy from, and outsource their jobs to, wherever it was cheapest. Since this outcome might still technically protect domestic workers and children, but would leave them destitute and out of work in a destroyed economy, it is reasonable to argue that this outcome should be avoided.
Again, as I understand it, the standard argument is that product tariffs prevent, say, child labor, since cheap foreign products, produced as cheaply as possible with unsafe child labor, can still not be profitably sold domestically since the tariff makes domestic products comparable in price. This makes foreign child labor less common, since it is not economical to produce products abroad for the domestic market. This seems like a reasonable argument to me.
I also repeat myself: this theoretically also preserves the domestic economy, which would otherwise be outcompeted by cheap foreign companies.
If it was still economical to produce foreign products for the domestic market, then the tariff were not high enough to prevent it. The mere existence of tariffs which proved too low does not disprove the entire concept.
Tariffs should be unilaterally abolished: no need to wait for the other guys to stop hitting their head against a wall, you can stop today. Ie no need to wait for free trade agreements. Just declare unilateral free trade.