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> If you are pro-social: WFO is better If you are anti-social: WFH is better

I understand the characterization, WFO benefits social interaction around work.

But I’m not a very social person, and I prefer working in the office. Work serves as a dedicated space where I’m in contact with people with something in common. I get a lot of my social interaction from work.

I’m not disagreeing, just adding some nuance. I think the “extroverts work in the office and introverts work from home” is overly simplistic.

Some extra nuance is that there exists people who's entire lives revolve around work. These people's whole life schedule revolves around work and their social networks revolve around work people because they have no hobbies or other avenues of socialization. These are the type of people who live solely to climb the corporate ladder and only talk shop and office politics. Despite being quite a social person, I can't stand working with these types of people and would rather be isolated at home than be subjected to these types. At least this has been my experience working in large enterprise corporations in Silicon Valley.

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