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Show HN: Inbox Pirates, a way to preview, test and analyze your emails (inboxpirates.com)
10 points by goforbg on Oct 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments
Hi HN, My name is Bharadwaj Giridhar. I'm the founder of inboxpirates.com . Inbox Pirates is an email preview tool for sales & marketing teams. It helps you preview how your email actually looks in your receiver's inbox.

When I was building Crewcharge, an email marketing tool - I needed to build a feature to show a preview of how the email looks. I was searching for inspiration and realised most email preview tools only showed you the email in full screen when it's opened as if all emails get opened.

While this happened, my friend who is a digital marketer sent an email to himself and grabbed 3 phones around the house. When I asked why, he replied that most people don't even open the emails and read it from the notification bars.

Another friend missed a job interview because he swiped on the notification thinking it was a promotion.

After a survey it was clear than more 75% of the people do the same and that most email marketing or email outreach tools are optimizing for wrong placements.

I built this as a chrome extension so it would be open to existing email marketing and email outreach tools in the market. It currently integrates with Google Workspace, Hubspot, Apollo io, Snov io, Mailchimp, Sendinblue, Google Sheets / Notion / Airtable.

The way it works is it parses the dom for the email text (or HTML), subject line, Sender name and creates the previews in a new tab where you can explore how the email looks on Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Androids, iPhones.

Future integrations in pipeline include Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Instantly, Lemlist, Outreach io.

Launched on Producthunt reaching #1 product of the day and reached around 450 users, a lot of us discover us on Google when they search for email preview or email testing tools.

The vision of inboxpirates is to also give you a good email score to get higher response and open rates, using NLP and the core version is very basic with some bugs.

Bootstrapped solo-founder here with a production version, sorry in advance for some of the bugs against specific email clients!

I've spent around 5 months building and marketing this tool alone, but I wanted to really see if people cared enough about this problem.

Appreciate all thoughts and feedback. For anything else, mail me at inboxpirates[at]gmail.com

Great looking tool! I have a UX nitpick about the pricing page, the loading indicator saying "fetching our best prices" gives me the impression that the prices change frequently, and that I should check back later.

Thank you! Basically we send the timezone and fetch prices from stripe. I need to add a cache, noted :)

Regular user of InboxPirates here. I really love your product and I recommend to every Digital Marketing people who sending lots of emails.

Hi Ben. I dug through your name and your portfolio, and your LinkedIn, and other posts you've made on the Internet. And what I found was amazing. You're someone claiming to be from Bristol, but you are very clearly someone who is not from there. You have left a massive footprint on the Internet, that's strongly suggests you're also the same person as the person who posted this item. If you're not the same person, well, you're certainly close to each other - and also, this identity is a fake.

What OP built is actually pretty cool. I would suggest removing these posts of almost-certainly fake reviews - and letting it stand on its own.

edit: they are actively deleting accounts and the "Ben" profiles now that I have called this out. Honesty is the best policy.

"MC Naveen" is claiming to be Ben Stokes from Bristol. He has used images of people that aren't him.

You are literally admitting that someone is posting, presumably, with someone else's face on the internet.

edit: they are actively deleting accounts and profiles now that I have called this out.

I never claimed myself as Ben Stokes.

> If you're referring to lastest submission of mine. I was searching for his submission because it was inspiring. I have never ever claimed myself as anyone.

Hi Parker. My name is Bharadwaj and MC naveen is a facebook friend of mine. I didn't ask him to comment, just shared a link of the launch on Facebook.

Just because two people are from India, doesn't mean it has to be a fake review. Please do proper research before you comment.

> Just because two people are from India

I am not going to put the work into "doxxing", an action I find distasteful, but you have literally just inadvertently admitted to at least one of the things that I was claiming.

edit: they are actively deleting accounts and profiles now that I have called this out.

Parker I have literally given the links to my website, my twitter, my linkedin and my github, and all of his.

My username has been @goforbg everywhere on the internet including the domain name.

I really don't know what else to show you. All I have to say is this, I created this tool. I wanted to launch it on HN. I posted the link of the hn thread on my facebook, twitter and whatsapp status.

I did NOT ask him to come comment here.

MC naveen actually did try out the product during the producthunt launch and had given me some valid feedback and bug fixes, so I think that's why he commented here.

If you think we're the same person or that I made him comment or it's a couple of fake profiles I have nothing else to show you except the products we've built online and our github contributions.

I'm going to stop replying beyond this because I feel it's insulting me and making me feel bad for something I did not do.

I don't understand what you're suggesting. I did not explicitly dm him to comment. Are you saying it's my fault I shared a link to the launch on my social media?

I publicly shared the link on my facebook wall and he had commented on his own.

When I first saw the comment I too thought it was someone else, before I saw his HN username.

> I am not going to put the work into "doxxing", an action I find distasteful, but you have literally just inadvertently admitted to at least one of the things that I was claiming.

I'm a regular user of InboxPirates and sharing my review here. You can see my previous submission and GitHub Profile.

Thanks! Glad to hear

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