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I am (was??) an ultra runner and startup founder, and I love this type of approach to work and life. If you're going to put hours into things, why not try to make it your best?

To be clear, I suck at ultrarunning -- I can do 100km runs but I usually place near the end. What I love about it is that nearly anyone can run an ultra if they simply train long enough... It's why I call my personal performance blog "10 Million Steps" -- if you do enough steps, you can usually do an ultra (barring any deeper health issues). It's almost always about consistency... and I bet you are a better SWE than you are willing to admit because you sound very consistent. :)

A lot of professional coaches come from this space. I highly recommend following Steve Magness[1] and Brad Stulberg[2] on Twitter...

Alas, no communities that I know of.

If you're thinking of starting one or would be up to chatting about organizing something, I'd be 100% down to do so. You can reach me at w --at-- phaseai --dot-- com

[1] https://10millionsteps.com/

[2] https://twitter.com/stevemagness

[3] https://twitter.com/BStulberg

Thank you! I'll shoot you an email and check out the blog (https://10millionsteps.com/mental-toughness looks quite interesting) as well as Steve and Brad, I've not heard of either of them before.

Great, thanks! Looking forward to it.

From ultra signup it looks like you are a mid-packer like me: Party pace! Totally agree that anyone can run an ultra using the mantra "start slow and get slower". Would love to hear about your experience at the Artic Triple. It looks like a beautiful race. I did the Fjallraven Classic in that part of the world, but it is more of a hike/party than a run.

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