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> You think large powerplants that will need to be turned back on then can be turned on like a TV, with a press of a button?

In addition to batteries (including ones made from abundant materials like sodium which are beginning mas production now), wind, tidal, bagass and waste stream methane generation, this is precisely what OCGT plants are for and many CCGTs can do it too (especially if by some lost magic they learn how to predict when sunset will be). You can run them on Hydrogen or one of many other flammable substances you made during the day or during the summer. This already costs on par with new nuclear and is dropping by over 20% per year.

> Also: the energy comes from renewables, but the solar panels themselves are certainly not.

The raw material investments of solar and wind are on the same order as coal or nuclear and decreasing every year. Unless you are proposing building more gas?

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