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These arew for racism, but similar hockeysticks with the exact same timing exist for other social justice topics. Media, as one, started harping on identity politics and never let their foot off the gas.

Isn’t that because of the BLM movement? I’m not seeing how any of these events are connected.

2010: Fuck the banks

Occupy gets sunk.

201x: Rainbow floats sponsored by J.P. Morgan, Angela Davis talks sponsored by Shell Corp.

If you're just saying that rainbow capitalism is in alignment with capitalists' interests, and anti-capitalism movements are not, then that makes sense.

Yes. Social justice movements are perfect channels for champagne socialism. The activists get to fight and fight and fight and the problem never goes away. They get to feel like they're such good people and have no need to concern themselves with whether their methods work. (Their allegiance is to their methods first, ostensible causes decidedly second)

I don’t know if it’s fair to say that revolutionary wealth redistribution movements, like Occupy, are failing because everybody is distracted with social justice movements. The Left is a coalition for social justice and also for wealth redistribution, to varying degrees. That’s why I’m saying that I’m not seeing a direct connection where a success in one area subtracts from progress in another.

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