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> And who would take their place moving Java forward?

Dotnet - it's already ahead, and the existing software can stay in the current Java version. (I'm joking (but not really))

I do .NET and Java for 20 years now, there are so many workloads where .NET still doesn't matter at all.

Why do you think Microsoft is now back in Java land with their own distribution, after everything that happened with Sun's lawsuit?

> Why do you think Microsoft is now back in Java land with their own distribution

Because they have enough engineers to throw at any big environment where they can potentially expand in the future and having own distribution for an app layer lays foundations for new Azure services? (edit: checked after the response; first paragraph: "Java at Microsoft spans from Azure to Minecraft, across SQL Server to Visual Studio Code" - yeah, I think I got it)

So .NET was born out of legal issues with Java, and those critical issues happen to be written in Java instead of .NET, by the company that created .NET in first place, so much for "Dotnet - it's already ahead..."

And here are some examples where .NET is hardly ahead, it isn't even there.






Among other several use cases outside mainstream computing, there are many JVM vendors out there, in the similar vein as C and C++ ones.

And naturally the elephant in the room, Android with its Android Java flavour, with Xamarin not really offering a good development experience, to the point Xamarin rants are quite easy to find on the interwebs (it remains to be seen if MAUI is any better).

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