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> But when the canal was dry, it still would have made a good footpath through a heavily forested area, Waselkov says.

I bet the canal would spend a pretty long time in an intermediary state - not deep enough for canoes, but not dry enough to use as a footpath. But maybe there was a footpath beside the canal, as there are for more modern canals (towpaths)?

Canoes are useful in very shallow water even if the people have to get out.

It’s much easier to float a canoe while walking next to it than it is to carry it.

How about 4-inch mud?

I bet canoes make decent sleds on slippery mud.

I've had my canoe in weeds so thick the bottom wasn't even touching water, but I could push my paddle through and not touch bottom.

Canoes make acceptable sleds in some situations.

It depends a lot on the mud.

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