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Multiple explosions in Ukraine capital Kyiv (bbc.co.uk)
23 points by rntn on Oct 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Russia seems to not even be pretending any more. They are just straight up targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure with long-range missiles, during rush morning hour to create maximum terror.

Lavrov saying “there’s no way we’ll use nukes” has me expecting nukes more than ever.

"Analysis of a seismograph ~100km outside of Kyiv shows two distinct spikes matching two large explosions just after 05:10 UTC or 08:10 local near the city center" https://mobile.twitter.com/ameliairheart/status/157935928535...

One was random intersection. video: https://mobile.twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/15793543897... https://mobile.twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/15793516633...

the other, and you cant make this up, childrens playground. video: https://mobile.twitter.com/ArmanSoldin/status/15793548449511... https://twitter.com/mjluxmoore/status/1579357969577545729

Both hits by Kh-101 cruise missiles, there are also videos of interceptions, so there were more cruise missiles in the air.

Apparently more incoming cruise missiles as I write this.

They stopped pretending they are trying to demilitarize or de-nazify Ukraine. They just want to kill all of us just like they tried over the last century.

Yeah, I know. I'm a Ukrainian and I don't get it either. Just why.

Saving the precision guided cruise missiles for children's playgrounds.

Vergeltungswaffe, nothing less


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