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Perhaps for you it's fine. For low lying states it's not good. Turns out that's Florida too. Australia had to add levels to their fire danger charts. etc, etc... look, on the off chance that your remark was in good faith and you're really interested in an answer, try the recent Chatham House report [1], or the IPCC ones, or the US national assessment (forgot the name - google it for me will ya?) [1]https://www.chathamhouse.org/2021/09/climate-change-risk-ass..., or the Potsdam Institute ones, to scratch the surface. You know, do your own research.

> Perhaps for you it's fine.

Indeed it is.

> For low lying states it's not good.

You win some, you lose some.

> try the recent Chatham House report

Those are projections for the future. The implications of the GP was that the climate is worse today already. Where's the evidence for that? It's warmer, of course, but that doesn't imply "worse".

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