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This quote hits hard

    Coders who contribute to it, she said, should feel proud enough to declare, “Everyone uses the software, it’s in everything, and I wrote it!” It’s striking how few people know Mills’s name, given how many know the pseudonym of whoever created Bitcoin."
I never heard of Mill before, and am just glad to have read and known this critical man and technology to internet infrastructure.

I mean, I think Satoshi Nakamoto is notorious precisely because of his pseudonymous nature. If he'd used his real name, I doubt he'd get nearly as much attention.

Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2347

I was a little sad to read that Mills in fact lives in Delaware, not Nebraska. I always had a sneaking suspicion that this comic was NTP-related.

To be fair, that's only off by 0.0069625621 seconds. Since time advances at the speed of light, you could say everyone lives in Nebraska and still be correct well within the margin of error.

The title text for the image implies it might be about ImageMagick, but that's probably dated now since the likes of vips

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