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Show HN: Compdesk – the financial wellness platform for tech employees (compdesk.com)
5 points by Landon_compdesk on Oct 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite
Hi there HN!

We're the co-founders of compdesk, a platform to optimize financial wellness for tech employees.

As former startup employees we know firsthand that equity compensation can be life-changing, but is complicated to manage. We've created a product that allows users to understand the costs and tax implications of intelligently managing their equity compensation.

We've also partnered with top CPAs and tax lawyers allowing users to meet with a personal advisor and create a customized wellness plan to manage equity, tax documentation, submit taxes at year end, and plan for retirement through tax advantages. What are tax advantages? Many employees utilize their 401k, but are unaware of additional options like Roth IRAs, backdoor IRAs, and HSAs. The average employee is able to save $1,200,000 throughout their career in tax savings by utilizing tax-advantaged accounts when compared to investing the same money directly in the S&P 500.

Avoiding a compounding income tax has substantial benefits long term. Our platform provides optimized recommendations from your advisor and allows you to create retirement accounts and automate retirement contributions in tax-advantaged accounts tailored specifically to your financial goals. You can also track your investment progress and tax savings in real-time, all within your account.

Our tools are free to use, and our algorithm connects you to a personal advisor upon account creation.

We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback, and you can check us out at https://www.compdesk.com to get started.

Cheers -- Landon and Khalil

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