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U.N. body rejects debate on China's treatment of Uyghur Muslims (reuters.com)
9 points by Jun8 on Oct 6, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Let us all take solace in the fact that atleast China is doing this within their own borders.

it would be entirely different, and COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE to accept if they somehow did things we dont approve of, across someone elses borders. Thankfully though, because they do these heinous acts within their own borders, we can blissfully ignore it, and refrain from demanding Xi steps down, and enacting sanction package after sanction package.

And let us all once again remind ourselves that we shouldnt think closer on why it is that some so-called dictators and very serious crimes are to be largely ignored, while others demands reactions no matter the cost to ourselves, so long as we rightously let them know we are upset(while still paying them loads of money for natural resources, of course)

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