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Then what was it saying? It said that humans can take inspiration from outside art, from the real world. You can do the same thing with AI by training it on pictures from the real world.

Bill Clinton has stated he was inspired to be president after a trip to the white house in his youth.

People have been inspired to write about subject matter because of their experiences.

AI takes lots of things that currently exist and mixNmatch.

It's not nearly the same thing.

> It's not nearly the same thing.

why not? Just because people take in experiences slowly, via senses, doesn't mean that an AI isn't replicating that learning via a fast method.

Do you believe that GPT-3 is going to want to become president after visiting the whitehouse?

If you answer no, then you must necessarily admit it's different.

It can do a lot of things, but in the end it's still just a glorified function.

Always back to the same debate then. Why aren't human minds glorified functions, that perhaps deserve their glory a bit more than current state of AI? Obviously they're not currently equivalent. But obviously there are similarities.

A gocart and a sedan have a lot of similarities, but only one of them is legal to drive on the highway.

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