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I hope more and more instructors create such high quality content and put it online for the world to collectively learn and create a better place out there.

I find many instructors in upper level courses do this. But for introductory courses, most materials are locked in. I don't understand why? Only MIT seems to do this consistently (they have huge amounts of money, it seems).

Another such course is : https://cs3110.github.io/textbook/cover.html. Still upper level.

A set of lower level core courses like intro to programming, intro to low level programming, discrete math, algorithm design, etc. will totally change the game. More and more people would be interested in upper level courses then and we would get more researchers and practitioners in the field to march forward.

FWIW here are my CS courses including notes, assignments, and resources: https://cs.bennington.college/ (2020 - 2022) & https://cs.marlboro.college/ (2010 - 2020)

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