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Those are my videos!

Thank you Jose. Are these videos available for non-students?

Edit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZ7HFoaeSA7zPoGelA3aiw

Looks like you found them, and yes. :D

They weren't made with the thought of being generally consumed, but I do plan on making videos for the wider CS/programming community in the future.

Please do, I would absolutely work through this during a vacation!

I'm enjoying those!

Honestly, I had a bit of impostor syndrome kick when you mentioned that the 330 course was required, being self taught and all... but I know OCaml so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Currently going through the Crafting Interpreters book and this seems like an excellent supplement for my journey into the world of language hacking.

Thanks a lot for posting those, they are very clear and encouraging!

Apologies for causing a spike in your impostor syndrome!

330 is 'required' in the sense that you're not allowed to take 430 at UMD without having taken 330.

Perhaps a better way of phrasing it would have been to list the things we assume students have retained from 330. One of which is OCaml :D

I hope these videos provide some value to you! Always feel free to reach out if there's anything you think I could do better.

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